filiation (hendiLetters)
- 1 Einleitung
2 Zu den Dokumenttypen
- 2. 1 Dokumenttypen I (Volltexterfasste Datensätze)
- 2. 2 Dokumenttypen II (Katalogdatensätze)
- 2. 3 ID-Systematik
- 2. 4 Revisionen
- 2. 5 Status/Zustand der Datensätze
- 2. 6 Zum Umgang mit Dubletten
3 Zur Codierung der Volltexte
- 3. 1 Grundsätze der Textübertragung und -auszeichnung
- 3. 2 Typoskripte
- 3. 3 Textstruktur
- 3. 4 Zum Umgang mit Hervorhebungen im Text
- 3. 5 Zeichenebene
- 3. 6 Textkonstitution
- 3. 7 Eingriffe der Herausgebenden
- 3. 8 Quellenangaben/Textzeugen
- 3. 9 Schreiber*innen (Hände)
- 3. 10 Beziehungen zwischen Texten/Dokumenten
- 3. 11 Inhaltliche Auszeichnung
Andere Schemata
<title>Beljakovski sbornik</title>
<filiation type="protograph">Bulgarian</filiation>
<filiation type="antigraph">Middle Bulgarian</filiation>
<filiation type="apograph">
<ref target="#DN17">Dujchev N 17</ref>
</msContents> <msDesc xml:id="DN17">
<!-- ... -->
</msDesc> <q>Dujchev N17</q> <code>DN17</code>
<p>The "Guan-ben" was widely current among mathematicians in the
Qing dynasty, and "Zhao Qimei version" was also read. It is
therefore difficult to know the correct filiation path to follow.
The study of this era is much indebted to Li Di. We explain the
outline of his conclusion here. Kong Guangsen
(1752-1786)(17) was from the same town as Dai Zhen, so he obtained
"Guan-ben" from him and studied it(18). Li Huang (d. 1811)
(19) took part in editing Si Ku Quan Shu, so he must have had
"Guan-ben". Then Zhang Dunren (1754-1834) obtained this version,
and studied "Da Yan Zong Shu Shu" (The General Dayan
Computation). He wrote Jiu Yi Suan Shu (Mathematics
Searching for One, 1803) based on this version of Shu Xue Jiu
Zhang (20).</p>
<p>One of the most important persons in restoring our knowledge
concerning the filiation of these books was Li Rui (1768(21)
-1817)(see his biography). ... only two volumes remain of this
manuscript, as far as chapter 6 (chapter 3 part 2) p.13, that is,
question 2 of "Huan Tian San Ji" (square of three loops),
which later has been lost.</p>