Letter from H. W. Henze to W. H. Auden, October 26, 1964


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October 26, 1964 Dearest Wystan,

Welcome to Berlin.* I hope you will be happy there
and meet nice people and work well.

I have just written Curtis Brown, which should
make everything clear for you without further

My darling wippet Dafne who once came with me to
see you in Kirchstetten gave birth to two puppies a
few days ago.* That is very exciting and much nicer
than business and 'die Leute' and 'die Welt der Kunst'.
I’ve almost finished changing furniture and redecorating,*
and there are almost no excuses left for not starting
to compose Bassy-dear. Every letter you write me is
pleasant and helpful. The lady who did not like Bassy’s
title must have failed, like me, to look into the
German dictionary: it is there. And that’s it.* And
now I love the title which teaches you that in life
one must always be taught to love. For instance,
il sottoscritto once didn’t like caviar, and once
abhorred gangbangs. Meanwhile he has learned. But
he has always loved and trusted Mother who now he
tenderly embraces.*

P.S. The piano isn’t tuned yet and it takes the tuner
presumably three days before he comes out here.

P. P. S. Regarding your book "The Enchafèd Flood",
where do I find the definition of 'enchafèd'?



Elena Minetti
Elena Minetti


  • Text Source: Basel (Schweiz), Paul Sacher Stiftung (CH-Bps), Sammlung Hans Werner Henze, Abteilung: Korrespondenz
    Shelf mark: Auden, Wystan Hugh

    Physical Description

    • Document type: Letter
    • Material

    • Durchschlagpapier
    • Extent

    • 1 folio
    • 1 written page
    • Dimensions: 280x221 [mm] (HxW)
    • Condition

    • gelocht
    • Layout

    • Rand: 4 cm
    • Leerzeile zwischen Absätzen
    • Eingerückte Absätze

Writing styles

Text Constitution

  • "eu""ue" replaced with "eu"


  • "… Welcome to Berlin ."Auden left for Berlin on Thursday, 22 October 1964, as he wrote in his letter to Henze. He lived there thanks to the Ford Foundation fellowship during the winter semester of 1964-1965, except for a trip to New York City over Christmas.
  • "… for you without further explanations."Henze wrote to Auden’s agent Curtis Brown about their disapproval of the Helmut Reinold translation of the libretto of The Bassarids.
  • "wippet"recte "whippet".
  • "… puppies a few days ago."Henze always loved whippets and greyhounds. Notably, he owned greyhounds until his death.
  • die L eu te
    • the people
  • "… finished changing furniture and redecorating,"Most likely Henze is referring here to the "furnishing and redecorating" of his apartment in Castel Gandolfo. At the time of this letter, however, Henze had already purchased the Villa "La Leprara" in Marino, near Rome. Work on the villa had been in progress since early 1963, but he did not live there until 1966. See Henze’s Autobiography, pp. 210-211.
  • "… is there. And that's it."Henze alludes here to the fact that the title of The Bassarids had raised many doubts because it was not clear enough. See the Introduction to the correspondence.
  • il sottoscritto
    • the undersigned
  • "… who now he tenderly embraces."In Auden’s previous letter, the librettist had written to Henze not to ask around for too much advice about the title of the work and to trust his "mother", namely Auden himself.



        Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Hans Werner Henze-Stiftung (Dr. Michael Kerstan).

        If you've spotted some error or inaccuracy please do not hesitate to inform us via henze-digital [@] zenmem.de.