Brief von M. Barnet an H. W. Henze, zwischen 28. Juni  und 31. Juli 1975



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[Not before 28 June 1975, not after July 1975] * Hans, hermano;

Esta carta quiebra el reposo que tengo aconsejado
por el médico. Tengo hepatitis aguda prolongada;*
quiere decir que tengo que cuidarme el hidago como
si fuera mi propria alma. (Creo, de todas maneras que
estoy cuidando mi hígado más que lo que nunca he cuidado
mi alma, la pobre). Pero te recuerdo siempre y te envíe
un cable desde el hospital el día 28 de mayo en que se
estrenó nuestra obra.*

Me alegran las noticias del Cimarrón en América Latina * y
de Tamaki * en los jardines y frente a las colinas. Quiero
que le des un abrazo y que le digas que es un privilegiado
por estar en tan grata compañía. Además, veo que estudia
mucho. A Faustino le dices que tome Minilip,* que así yo
bajé diez libras en una semana. Y que lo recuerdo mucho.
Dime si recibiste mis cartas antiores. Quiero que me envies
fotos de la casa, de los angeles que te rodean, contando, last
but not least
, los adorables perros.*

Rogelio está muy bien y ya recibió una carta tuya, no se cuál.
El trabaja 14 horas al día y todo le parece poco. Es un revo-
lucionario pur e incansable.

Pronto te escribiré con más detenimiento. Por ahora recibe
mi cariño de siempre, mi más profunda nostalgia y la comunión
revolucionaria que nunca nos separará.

Tu hermano,

[Not before 28 June 1975, not after July 1975] Brother Hans,

This letter violates my doctor’s advice that I rest. I have prolonged acute hepatitis, which means that I have to take care of my liver as if it were my own soul. (Anyway, I think that I am taking care of my liver more than I have ever taken care of my soul, the poor thing). But I remember you always and I sent you a cable from the hospital on the 28th of May when our work was premiered.

I am happy to hear the news about El Cimarrón in Latin America and Tamaki in the gardens and in front of the hill. I want you to give him a hug and tell him he is privileged to be in such pleasant company. And I see that he is studying a lot. Tell Faustino to take Minilip, which is how I lost ten pounds in a week. And that I think about him a lot. Let me know if you received my previous letters. I want you to send me photos of the house, the angels surrounding you, including last but not least, the adorable dogs.

Rogelio is very well and has already received a letter from you, I don’t know which one. He works 14 hours a day and that seems like nothing for him. He is a pure and tireless revolutionary. Soon I will write to you in more detail. For now, I send you my undying affection, my deepest nostalgia and the revolutionary comradeship that will never separate us.

Your brother,

Übersetzung von Yolanda Acker



Herausgegeben von
Elena Minetti
Elena Minetti; Joachim Veit
Yolanda Acker


  • Textzeuge: Basel (Schweiz), Paul Sacher Stiftung (CH-Bps), Sammlung Hans Werner Henze, Abteilung: Korrespondenz
    Signatur: Barnet, Miguel


    • Dokumenttyp: Brief
    • Material

    • dünnes Durchschlagpapier
    • Faltung: 1mal mittig, 1mal 5,5cm von oben
    • Umfang

    • 1 Blatt
    • 1 beschriebene Seite
    • Abmessungen: 280x216 [mm] (HxB)
    • Layout

    • Rand links: 4,8cm
    • Abstand Anrede vom linken Rand: 3,3cm
    • Absätze nicht eingerückt
    • Zeilenabstand 2zeilig




  • "… 1975, not after July 1975"The date of the letter is derived from Barnet’s information about his acute hepatitis, of which he had already informed Henze with a postcard on 21 June. Since this illness lasts an average of two months and as early as 21 June Barnet had been in the hospital for 30 days, it is assumed that Barnet may have written this letter no later than July 1975.
  • "… médico. Tengo hepatitis aguda prolongada;"Barnet also tells Henze about his illness in the postcard of 21 June 1975.
  • "… se estrenó nuestra obra ."Barnet’s telegram to Henze on the occasion of the stage premiere of La Cubana at the Gärtnerplatztheater in Munich has yet to be located.
  • "… del Cimarrón en América Latina"In a letter to Enzensberger dated 26 June 1975, Henze had informed him that the ensemble of the premiere of El Cimarrón would be touring Latin America the following year, 1976. It is likely that Henze told Barnet the same news or informed him about the performances.
  • "… América Latina y de Tamaki"It is possible that Barnet is referring to the Japanese sculptor Ohira who was Henze’s partner during this period.
  • "… dices que tome Minilip ,"Here, Barnet is probably recommending that Moroni take the drug Minilip, primarily used for high cholesterol.
  • "… least , los adorables perros."No photos that Henze sent Barnet have been located in the correspondence to date, however, the composer did send his Cuban friend some photos. See Henze’s letter on 8 October 1980.
  • "pur"recte "puro".


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