Brief von M. Barnet an H. W. Henze, 30. Mai 1973



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Absolute Chronologie



Mayo 30, 1973 Querido Hans;

Esta vez el correo se demoró porque el pobre * ha tenido que
sufrir una delicada operación en la columna vertebral. Desde que llegó de
su último viaje no lo había podido contactar por esa razón.Finalmente[sic] nos
vimos en su casa. Pasamos toda una mañana conversando y oyendo música.
Tanto hablamos de ti que yo me hice la idea que tú estabas allí. Leo tiene
una casa muy bella. Como la que yo siempre he soñado para mí y para mis
amigos; muebles coloniales, (muy buen gusto) jardin[sic], salón de música, paz…
Su mujer * lo comprende bien y tiene un caracter[sic] decidido. Ella maneja el
auto, la casa y parece que tambien[sic] cariñosamente a Leo. Vi todos los affiches[sic]
de sus actuaciones, sus discos* y él me dió el affiche[sic] de L’scala[sic] con el
anuncio de la puesta en escena de El Cimarrón.* Para mí fue una alegría muy
grande por muchas r azones[sic]. El Teatro de L’scala[sic] es como el Coliseo de la
música para los que desde niños soñamos con visitarlo. Cuando estuve en
Italia, sin embargo, no me interesé en ir.Porque[sic] así es la vida.* Ahora veo
que allí se hace la obra de El Cimarrón. Y sigo pensando que es como un
sueño. Me alegro por tí[sic] sobre todo. Y por la memoria de Esteban.* Nadie podrá
imaginar nunca la veneración y el cariño que yo le tomé a Esteba[sic] Montejo.
Y lo que aprendí y recibí de él. Justamente un mes antes del estreno de
la opera en Milano
falleció apaciblemente y nadie creía que estaba muerto.*
El médico certificó que llevaba más de 6 horas de muerto y nadie se había
dado cuenta porque parecía que dormía. A las 3 de la tarde lo fueron a
despertar para darle café y ya estaba frío. Ni se quejó ni hubo que cerrarle
los ojos. Afortunadamente yo estaba en La Habana y me encargué de todo.
Lo enterramos en el Panteón de los Veteranos de las Guerras de Independencia, ,
de la forma más sencilla y discreta. Yo no pude despedir el duelo porque
estaba nervioso, entonces un negro viejo veterano tambien[sic], se paró delante
de la gente, allí en el cementerio y dijo: "Compañeros, Esteban Montejo
es un pedazo de la historia de Cuba, descanse en paz"
. Más nada hizo falta.


Yo te mandé el recorte del Juventud Rebelde con la noticia pero me parece
que no te llegó.* Después de su muerte han salido ciacox[sic] ediciones más del
libro: Hungría, Polonia *, Suecia, Argelia, Chile.*
Ya re dije que estoy escribiendo poco. Terminé dos libros de poemas y
mis fábulas.* Ahora leo terriblemente. Lo que necesitaba leer hacía años.
Y otras cosas que volviendo a ellas las descubro. Me g staría[sic] que leyeras
las prosas del español del 98 Azorín. Es un escritor de texturas, de
atmósferas. Búscale y lee el libro Castilla. Verás que es música.
He vuelto a Thorton[sic] Wilder, a Faulkner, a Marguaret Yourcernar[sic]
Estoy loco porque Leo encuentre el disco de la Sexta para mí. El pobre
lo buscó y buscó y nada. Parece que lo ha extraviado. Yo ne cesito[sic] al
menos oir tu música. Mira a ver si puedes por algún medio enviarme discos.*
La cinta de Rachel,y canciones tuyas. Aquí a cada rato vienen personas
a escuchar el son de las mujeres* del Cimarrón. El otro día lo trasmitieron
por CMBF con unos poemas míos y con música de La tradicion es rompe de Leo.
Fue un gran programa. Si lo puedo grabar te mando una cassette para que
lo oigas. Las fotos de tu casason[sic] una alegría enorme. Me siento allí.
Sobre todo con el bello Coccolo * y los bulldogs, que siempre me han pare-
cido los más nobles de los animales. Felicidades por las peras. No me
gustan los cipreses. Cuando estaba en Europa no los miraba.* Pero tu
patio de piedras, al lado del ánfora rota es una maravilla. Así como
el color de las paredes de tu casa. Me puedo imaginar lo bien que te
sentirás allí en tu tranquilidad y tu quietud. Tambien[sic] me puedo imaginar
lo solitario que por momentos estarás a pesar de todo aquello. Porque
yo se que tu animas tus cosas, tus perros y tus jardines. Lo demás es
pura ilusión. Me alegra que estés bien acompañado. Eso es casi tan im-
portante como la poesía o la música. Pero no confíes demasiado. Henze,
el valor más sólido es el de la amistad. Los lazos más fuertes son los
de la amistad sana. Aunque el amor, claro, como decía Martí: solo el amor
engendra melodías.*


Yo estoy solo, solito, solito. Mi casa a veces es demasiddo[sic] triste.
Demasiado sola, pero leo o me pongo a escribir, o estoy con mis dos
miniature pinschers, o vuelvo a leer una carta tuya, o escucho a
Mina,* o llamo a Nancy o a Leo. Pero no me siento derrotado. Ni asumo
posturas decadentistas. Cada día me alegro más de atravesar este camino
de la historia porque es muy aleccionador. Ya me imagino que estoy equi-
pado para muchas cosas, las mejores y las peores. Y me siento a veces
tan niño que cualquier pequeña cosa me anima y me exalta. Tu dirás que
soy unidiota[sic] pero una foto de tu casa me motiva tanto como el mayor de
los estímulos.   Voy mucho a la playa porque padezco de una espantosa
enfermedad crónica que es la faringits([sic]a veces me quedo sin hablar) será
por eso que escribo. Estoy rojo como un camarón.  Pero por lo demás me
siento bien. Sigo trabajando en la Unión de Escritores, con el privilegio
de estar cerca de nuestra gran Nicolás Gu illén[sic], a quien quiero mucho.*
A veces hago traducciones otras solo reviso pruebas de libros o de las
revistas que allí se publican.
Berroa terminó por fin algunas canciones con poemas míos. Y    la soprano
Alina Sánchez las cantó con exito[sic] en el teatro Amadeo Roldán.* Eso me
dió[sic] alegría. Ahora espero Patria,con tu música .[sic] * Me conmovió mucho la
postal con el tuffatore que se lanza al vacío de la eternidad.* No es
un suicidio es una búsqueda de otra dimensión, sencillamente.
No quiero hacer esta carta demasiado abstracta. Yo tambien[sic] como tú quiero
vivir en el amor y dedicar toda mi vida a la amistad entre los hombres.
Creo que la poesía y la música son el mejor puente para ello. Así que
lo que debemos hacer es cansarnos el brazo diariamente que con eso es
con lo único que justificamos nuestra existencia. Y esa es la mejor
manera de ser revolucionarios en un sentido profundo y verdadero.
Ahora voy a echar esta carta al correo y qusiera[sic] con ella m andarte[sic] todo
mi corazón y todo mi cariño. A Fausto le dices que baje de peso. Pero
que no deje de tomar vino. Que cuide bien a los perros, que algún día
yo llegaré para verlos jugar en la yerba.*

Te quiere, tu hermano, Miguel Barnet

[Abbildung: ]
May 30, 1973 Dear Hans;

This time the post was delayed because the poor man had to undergo a delicate spinal operation. That’s why I had not been able to contact him since he came back from his last trip. Finally, we met up at his house. We spent a whole morning talking and listening to music.
We talked about you so much that I thought you were there. Leo has a very beautiful house. Like the one I have always dreamed of for myself and my friends; colonial furniture (very good taste), a garden, music room, peace... His wife understands him well and has a strong character. She is in charge of the car, the house and it seems also affectionately of Leo. I saw all the posters of his performances, his records and he gave me the poster from La Scala with the announcement of the staging of El Cimarrón. For me it was a great joy for many reasons. The Teatro alla Scala is like the Coliseum of music for those of us who have dreamed of visiting it since we were children. When I was in Italy, however, I was not interested in going. That’s life. Now I see that El Cimarrón is being staged there. And I still think it’s like a dream. I’m especially happy for you. And for the memory of Esteban. No one will ever be able to imagine the veneration and affection I had for Esteban Montejo.
And the things I learned and received from him. Just a month before the premiere of the opera in Milan he passed away peacefully and nobody believed he was dead. The doctor certified that he had been dead for more than 6 hours and nobody had noticed because he seemed to be sleeping. At 3 o’clock in the afternoon they went to wake him up to give him coffee and he was already cold. He didn’t even complain and we didn’t even have to close his eyes. Fortunately I was in Havana and I took care of everything. We buried him in the Pantheon of the Veterans of the Wars of Independence, in the simplest and most discreet way. I couldn’t say goodbye to the mourners because I was nervous. Then an old black man who was also a veteran stood up in front of the people, there in the cemetery, and said: "Friends, Esteban Montejo is a piece of Cuban history, rest in peace". Nothing more was needed.


I sent you the clipping from Juventud Rebelde with the news but I don’t think you got it. After his death there have been many more editions of the book: Hungary, Poland, Sweden, Algiers, Chile.
I told you that I am writing very little. I finished two books of poems and my fables. Now I am reading insanely. What I needed to read for years.
And other things that I discover by going back to them. I would like you to read the prose of the Spanish writer of ’98, Azorín. He is a writer of textures, of atmospheres. Look him up and read the book Castilla. You will see that it is music. I’ve gone back to Thornton Wilder, Faulkner, Marguerite Yourcenar... I’m crazy for Leo to find the record of your Sixth for me. The poor guy searched and searched and nothing. He seems to have lost it. I need to at least hear your music. See if you can somehow send me records. The tape of Rachel and your songs. People come here all the time to listen to the sound of "Women" from El Cimarrón. The other day they broadcast it on CMBF with some of my poems and music from Leo’s La tradición se rompe.
It was a great program. If I can record it I’ll send you a cassette so you can hear it. The photos of your house are a great joy. I feel like I am there. Especially with the beautiful Coccolo and the bulldogs, who have always seemed to me the noblest of animals. Congratulations on the pears. I don’t like cypresses. When I was in Europe I didn’t look at them. But your stone patio, next to the broken amphora is wonderful. As are the colour of the walls of your house. I can imagine how good you feel there in your quietness and stillness. I can also imagine how lonely you would be at times despite all that. Because I know that you liven up your things, your dogs and your gardens. The rest is pure illusion. I’m glad you’re in good company. That’s almost as important as poetry or music. But don’t rely on it too much. Henze, the strongest value is friendship. The strongest bonds are those of healthy friendship. Although love, of course, as Martí used to say: only love engenders melodies.


I am alone, all alone, all alone. My house is sometimes too sad.
Too lonely, but I read or I start writing, or I’m with my two miniature pinschers, or I re-read a letter from you, or I listen to Mina, or call Nancy or Leo. But I don’t feel defeated. Nor do I adopt decadent positions. Every day I’m more and more happy to go down this path of history because it’s very sobering. I already imagine that I am equipped for many things, the best and the worst. And sometimes I feel like such a child that every little thing cheers me up and excites me. You’ll say I’m an idiot but a picture of your house motivates me as much as the greatest stimulus. I go to the beach a lot because I suffer from a dreadful chronic illness, pharyngitis (sometimes I can’t speak), which is why I write. I’m as red as a shrimp. But otherwise I feel fine. I continue to work at the Unión de Escritores, with the privilege of being close to our great Nicolás Guillén, whom I love very much. Sometimes I do translations, sometimes I just review proofs of books or the magazines published there.
Berroa finally finished some songs with poems of mine. And the soprano Alina Sánchez sang them successfully at the Amadeo Roldán theatre. That made me happy. Now I’m waiting for Patria, with your music. I was very moved by the postcard with the "tuffatore" (diver) who throws himself into the abyss of eternity. It is not suicide, it’s simply a search for another dimension.
I don’t want to make this letter too abstract. I too, like you, want to live in love and dedicate my whole life to friendship among men.
I think poetry and music are the best bridge for that. So, what we have to do is work until our arms are tired each day, because that’s the only thing that justifies our existence. And that is the best way to be revolutionary in a deep and true sense.
Now I am going to put this letter in the post and with it I would like to send you all my heart and all my affection. Tell Fausto to lose weight. But not to stop drinking wine. Tell him to take good care of the dogs, because one day I’ll be there to see them playing in the grass.

Love, your brother, Miguel Barnet

Übersetzung von Yolanda Acker



Herausgegeben von
Elena Minetti
Elena Minetti; Joachim Veit
Yolanda Acker


  • Textzeuge: Basel (Schweiz), Paul Sacher Stiftung (CH-Bps), Sammlung Hans Werner Henze, Abteilung: Korrespondenz
    Signatur: Barnet, Miguel


    • Dokumenttyp: Brief
    • Material

    • helles Durchschlagpapier
    • Faltung: 1mal quer, 1mal längs
    • Umfang

    • 3 Blätter
    • 3 beschriebene Seiten
    • Abmessungen: 280x220 [mm] (HxB)
    • Layout

    • Rand: 2,3cm (Bl. 1), 2,8cm (Bl. 2), 3cm (Bl. 3)
    • jeweils mit Flattersatz bis zum rechten Rand beschrieben


  • 1.
  • 2.
    Handschrift, Kugelschreiber (blau).


  • "… Ma yo 30, 1973"The letter "o" in the word "Mayo" and the remaining numbers in the date are slightly higher up, perhaps because the page was not yet firmly positioned.
  • "razón.Finalmente"sic
  • "jardin"sic
  • "caracter"sic
  • "tambien"sic
  • "affiches"sic
  • "affiche"sic
  • "L’s a c ala"sic
  • "c""a" ersetzt durch "c"
  • "r azones"sic
  • "L’scala"sic
  • "Porque"sic
  • "tí"sic
  • "Esteba"sic
  • "t""a" ersetzt durch "t"
  • "ba"über der Zeile hinzugefügt, handschriftlich, Kugelschreiber (blau)
  • "j""y" ersetzt durch "j"
  • "tambien"sic
  • "q""a" ersetzt durch "q"
  • "ci nt ac o o x "sic
  • "ac""nt" ersetzt durch "ac"
  • "x""o" ersetzt durch "x"
  • "u""e" ersetzt durch "u"
  • "g staría"sic
  • "l""s" ersetzt durch "l"
  • ""gelöscht, handschriftlich, Kugelschreiber (blau)
  • "Thorton"sic
  • "Marguaret Yourcernar"sic
  • "ne cesito"sic
  • ","in der Zeile hinzugefügt, handschriftlich, Kugelschreiber (blau)
  • "o""i" ersetzt durch "o"
  • "casas x o n"sic
  • "o""x" ersetzt durch "o"
  • "b""g" ersetzt durch "b"
  • "r""a" ersetzt durch "r"
  • "Tambien"sic
  • ","in der Zeile hinzugefügt, handschriftlich, Kugelschreiber (blau)
  • "demasiddo"sic
  • "n""d" ersetzt durch "n"
  • "i""n" ersetzt durch "i"
  • "a""l" ersetzt durch "a"
  • "unidi eo ot a"sic
  • "ot""eo" ersetzt durch "ot"
  • "faringits("sic
  • "Gu illén"sic
  • "h"über der Zeile hinzugefügt
  • "exito"sic
  • "dió"sic
  • "Patria,con tu música ."sic
  • "tambien"sic
  • "r""e" ersetzt durch "r"
  • "nt""te" ersetzt durch "nt"
  • "qusiera"sic
  • "m andarte"sic
  • Folgend: handschriftlich, Kugelschreiber (blau)


  • "… se demoró porque el pobre" "El pobre" is probable Brouwer, as he is mentioned immediately afterwards in relation to his house, where Barnet had presumably met him. Furthermore, he alludes to Brouwer as "el pobre" later in the letter. He was often entrusted with the Henze-Barnet correspondence on his transoceanic voyages from Cuba to Europe, a journey he often made for his concerts.
  • "… de música, paz… Su mujer"This is the woman Brouwer married after the suicide of his wife Yolanda Brito on 27 April 1971. However, her identity has yet to be ascertained. See also Henze’s letter to Enzensberger on 5 January 1972.
  • "… de sus actuaciones, sus discos"In 1972, Brouwer was in Germany with the "DAAD-Scholarship" for "Music". See DAAD Jahrbuch 2022, p. 111. It is not known why he was in Europe in 1973, but probably for concerts.
  • "… escena de El Cimarrón ." El Cimarrón was performed in Milan at the "Piccola Scala" as part of the Musica d’oggi music festival on 11 March 1973. The ensemble was made up of the musicians who gave the work’s premiere (Pearson, bariton; Zöller, flute; Yamash’ta, percussion), except for the guitarist, who was Bruck instead of Brouwer.
  • "… Porque así es la vida."As Barnet recounts in his interview at the University of Milan in 2013, he first visited Italy in 1967.
  • "… la memoria de Esteban ."Montejo is the main character in Barnet’s biographical novel on which Henze’s El Cimarrón is based. He died only a few months earlier. See below.
  • "… nadie creía que estaba muerto."Indeed, Montejo died a month earlier, on 10 February 1973.
  • "… q ue no te llegó."The newspaper clipping Barnet mentions here is not found with any of the letters Henze received.
  • "… libro : Hungría , Polonia"The Polish edition of the book was already published in 1972 under the title Biografía niewolnika translated by Helena Czajka.
  • "… , Argelia , Chile ."With the exception of the Polish translation, references in relation to the other translations Barnet alludes to here have not been located. However, it seems unrealistic that they were all published only four months after Montejo’s death.
  • "… poemas y mis fábulas ."Barnet was unable to publish for seven years because of his support for Padilla in the "Padilla Affair", (see Henze’s Autobiography, p. 300). It is likely that the fables alluded to here are those published in the 1978 in the book Akeké y la jutía. Likewise, poems written during his period were probably published later in the collection of poems Orikis y otros poemas (1980).
  • "… algún medio enviarme discos ."Henze sent Barnet a recording of his Sixth Symphony, see Barnet’s telegram of 13 August 1973.
  • "… el son de las mujeres" "Women" is the VIII section in Part 2 of El Cimarrón.
  • "tradicion es"recte "tradición se".
  • "… todo con el bello Coccolo" "Coccolo" was the name of one of Henze’s greyhounds at this time.
  • "… en Europa no los miraba."Barnet is probably thinking back to his 1967 trip to Europe.
  • "… solo el amor engendra melodías."The quote "Sólo el amor engendra melodías" is taken from the last line of Martí’s poem Crin Hirsuta (1882), published in Versos Libres in 1913.
  • "… o escucho a Mina ,"Henze and Moroni had sent Barnet a Mina record. Barnet sends his thanks in his letter of 4 June 1971.
  • "… , a quien quiero mucho."The Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC), which Barnet formed part of since its early years, was founded on 22 August 1961 by Nicolás Guillén.
  • "… el teatro Amadeo Roldán ."Barnet has also informed Henze of this performance in his previous letter. When exactly this performance took place has not been ascertained to date. A document, kept in the "Cuban Poster Collection" at the Online Archive of California, confirms that Alina Sánchez sang compositions by Berroa (probably with texts by Barnet) during a "Recital contemporáneo" organised by the Consejo National de Cultura.
  • "… Patria ,con tu música ."Henze set Barnet’s poem "Patria" to music as the XV song in Voices written between January and June 1973 and premiered on 4 January 1974 in London.
  • "… al vacío de la eternidad."To date, no postcard from Henze to Barnet with a drawing or photograph of a diver has been located.
  • "… verlos jugar en la yerba."Barnet visited Henze and Moroni in May 1982, as Henze recounted in his Autobiography, p. 395.
  • [Abbildungsbeschreibung] Barnet’s small graphic signature on the left.


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