Wilder, Thornton


Basic data

  1. April 17, 1897 in Madison, Wisconsin
  2. December 7, 1975 in Hamden, Connecticut
  3. Schriftsteller


Wilder in 1948 (Source: Wikimedia)
Wilder with two of his siblings and their father Amos at the family cottage in Maple Bluff, Wisconsin in 1900 (Source: Wikimedia)
Wilder in his 1920 Yale College graduation photo (Source: Wikimedia)
Frank Craven, Martha Scott, and John Craven in the original Broadway production of Our Town, published in 1938, which won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama (Source: Wikimedia)
Wilder as Mr. Antrobus in The Skin of Our Teeth in 1948 (Source: Wikimedia)
Wilder on the cover of the January 12, 1953 issue of Time magazine (Source: Wikimedia)
Thorton N Wilder's gravestone, Hamden, Connecticut (Source: Wikimedia)

Biographical information from Henze-Digital

No additional biographical data recorded





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