Brief von M. Barnet an H. W. Henze, 7. April 1973



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La Habana Abril 7, 1973 Querido Hans;

Abriendo un libro de los que te presté cuando estabas
aquí,* saltó este telegrama que me hizo recordarte terriblemente.
Espero sepas que el telegrama me hizo feliz pues también rememoré
la noche del estreno de la 6 sinfonía en el Teatro     García Lorca.*
H ans[sic] , he enviado el disco que tú me regalaste a lla Universidad
de Marruecos
, pues quieren hacer una audición de la ópera allí, ya
que han hecho un estudio del libro como tesis de grado.* Ellos
dicen que me lo devolverán, pero tú sabes como es eso.
Sé de ti por Music and Musician * y algo en The Observer *. Pero todo
es nada en comparación    con la avidez que tengo de noticias tuyas.
En estos días de formidable sol y playa deliciosa me he acordado
enormemente de tí[sic] y de Fausto. Cómo quisiera que estuvieran aquí
disfrutando el verano que comienza.
Me imagino que habrás visto a Leo pues anda por Londres según
noticias.* Con él, con Caita, con todos es que hablamos de ti
a cada rato. Recientemente hubo un recital de canciones de Berroa
con textos míos.* Quisiera que tú las oyeras y me dieras tu opinión.
Le ha pedido que te mande las partituras.*
¿Recibiste el ejemplar de Canción de Rachel en italiano, por Einaudi.?
Les pedí que te mandaran uno a tí[sic]. Si no yo te mandaré uno mío.*
Hans, dile a Faustino que quisiera me comprara algún libro con láminas
de perros de raza y me lo enviara. Tengo ahora un daschund[sic] y un miniautre[sic]
pinscher.* Eso me entretiene muchísimo. Y si pudieras enviarme una vacuna
contra el moquillo(distemper)[sic] o contra la hepatítis[sic] canina te lo agrade-
cería. Sólo que tiene que ser por correo personal porque las vacunas
pueden correr el riesgo de echarse a perder en el camino. Hay que refri-
gerarlas siempre. No creas que estoy loco por lo de los perros. Pero
siempre ha sido mi hobby. Escribo ahora mucha poesía y un ensayo sobre
el poeta cuban o[sic] del siglo pasado,Heredia[sic] .* Cuando puedas cuentame[sic] de
tí[sic] , de tus planes.    Fariñas me dijo que vió[sic] e l[sic] ballet Ondina en    Alemania
pero que tú no estabas.* Lo sentí mucho. Te quiere como siempre.

Rogelio estuvo en mi casa hace un mes.
Es muy feliz con su carnet del Partido.*
Te mandó un fuerte abrazo.

Havana April 7, 1973 Dear Hans;

Opening one of the books that I lent you when you were here, this telegram popped up and painfully reminded me of you. I hope you know that the telegram made me happy because it also reminded me of the night of the premiere of your 6th Symphony at the Teatro     García Lorca. Hans, I have sent the record you gave me to the University of Morocco, because they want to give a performance of the opera there, as they have done a study of the book as an undergraduate thesis. They say they will return it to me, but you know how it is. I know about what you have been up to from Music and Musician and something in The Observer. But it’s all nothing compared to how eager I am to hear from you. In these days of wonderful sunshine and delightful beaches, I have been thinking of you and Fausto. How I wish you were here enjoying the summer that is beginning. I imagine you have seen Leo as he is in London according to the news. We talk about you all the time with him, Caita and everyone. Recently there was a recital of Berroa’s songs with texts of mine. I would like you to listen to them and give me your opinion. I have asked him to send you the scores. Did you receive the copy of Rachel’s Song in Italian, from Einaudi? I asked them to send one to you. If not, I’ll send you one of mine.
Hans, tell Faustino that I would like him to buy me a book with images of pedigree dogs and send it to me. I currently have a daschund and a miniature pinscher. That keeps me very busy. And if you could send me a vaccine against distemper or canine hepatitis, I would appreciate it. But it has to be by personal mail because the vaccines could get spoiled on the way. They always have to be refrigerated. Don’t think I’m crazy about dogs. But it has always been my hobby. I am writing a lot of poetry at the moment and an essay about the Cuban poet from last century, Heredia. When you can, tell me about yourself, about your plans. Fariñas told me that he saw the ballet Ondina in Germany, but you weren’t there. I was very sorry. He loves you as always.

Rogelio was at my house a month ago. He is very happy with his Party card.

Sending you best wishes. Miguel

Übersetzung von Yolanda Acker



Herausgegeben von
Elena Minetti
Elena Minetti; Joachim Veit
Yolanda Acker


  • Textzeuge: Basel (Schweiz), Paul Sacher Stiftung (CH-Bps), Sammlung Hans Werner Henze, Abteilung: Korrespondenz
    Signatur: Barnet, Miguel


    • Dokumenttyp: Brief
    • Material

    • Durchschlagpapier
    • Faltung: 1mal längs, 1mal quer
    • Umfang

    • 1 Blatt
    • 1 beschriebene Seite
    • Abmessungen: 285x220 [mm] (HxB)
    • Layout

    • Rand (links): 3cm
    • rechts unterschiedlich weit beschrieben
    • 1. Absatz 10 Anschläge eingerückt
    • übrige Absätze linksbündig
    • 1,5zeilig
    • die letzten drei Zeilen abgesetzt
    • letzte Zeile einzeilig dran


  • 1.
  • 2.
    Handschrift, Kugelschreiber (blau).
  • 3.
    Handschrift, Filzstift/Fineliner (ocker).


  • "… estreno de la 6 sinfonía"The "i" has a dot as well as the acute accent.
  • "H ans"sic
  • "q""u" ersetzt durch "q"
  • "l"durchgestrichen, handschriftlich, Kugelschreiber (blau)
  • "q"über der Zeile hinzugefügt
  • "tí"sic
  • "i"über der Zeile hinzugefügt
  • "tí"sic
  • "daschund"sic
  • "miniautre"sic
  • "moquillo(distemper)"sic
  • "hepatítis"sic
  • "ó""l" ersetzt durch "ó"
  • "cuban o"sic
  • "pasado,Heredia"sic
  • " e c uentame"sic
  • "c""e" ersetzt durch "c"
  • "tí"sic
  • "… puedas c uentame de tí"The "i" has a dot as well as the acute accent.
  • "… de tí , de tus"There is a little dot close to the "t" in the word "tus" on the left.
  • "vió"sic
  • "e l"sic
  • Folgend: handschriftlich, Kugelschreiber (blau)
  • Folgend: handschriftlich, Filzstift/Fineliner (ocker)


  • "… te presté cuando estabas aquí,"It is unclear which book Barnet lent Henze when he was in Cuba, from 21 March to 16 April 1969 and from 8 November 1969 to 29 January 1970.
  • "… el Teatro García Lorca ."None of the telegrams preceding this letter that have been located to date explicitly mentions the premiere of Henze’s Sixth Symphony, which was first performed in Havana on 26 November 1969 by the Cuban National Orchestra conducted by the composer.
  • "… libro como tesis de grado."The "ópera" Barnet refers to here is probably El Cimarrón, based on his book Biografia de un cimarrón.
  • "… ti por Music and Musician"The article published in Music and Musician to which Barnet is probably referring is "Henze and the Revolution" by Peter Heyworth.
  • "… y algo en The Observer"Henze’s name can often be found in The Observer. The articles preceding this letter that Barnet might have read date from 27 May 1973 (the announcement of Henze’s upcoming concert as conductor of the London Sinfonietta in the UK premieres of Compases para preguntas ensimismadas and the Violin Concerto No. 2) and from 17 June 1973 (an article by Peter Heyworth on new works by Henze).
  • "… anda por Londres según noticias."Brouwer was frequently in Europe for concerts and between 1972 and 1973 he also received a DAAD scholarship. The reasons for his trip to London could be investigated in his correspondence with Henze.
  • "… de Berroa con textos míos."In his following letter of 30 May, Barnet repeats that Berroa had finished composing the songs and adds that they were sung by Alina Sánchez in the Teatro Amadeo Roldán. A few years earlier, Barnet had already mentioned his collaboration with Berroa in a letter with Berroa.
  • "ha"recte "he".
  • "… que te mande las partituras."Among the scores Henze owned, preserved at the Paul Sacher Foundation in Basel is a score of a song by Berroa for voice and guitar entitled Para vestir el sueño from 1969, with the text from Barnet’s poem "Canto" , published in La piedrafina y el pavoreal, p. 41. In Henze’s library at the Hochschule für Musik in Detmold, Barnet’s book is preserved with his handwritten dedication and numerous handwritten notes on the poem "Canto" .
  • "… yo te mandaré uno mío."Among the books in Henze’s library, now preserved at the Library of the Hochschule für Musik in Detmold, is the book Canzone di Rachel, published by Einaudi in 1972 in Italian translation by Laura Gonsalez. There is no dedication from Barnet, so it is very likely that it was sent to Henze directly from the publishing house, since Barnet generally added a dedication to the books he gave Henze as gifts.
  • "… daschund y un miniautre pinscher." "Dachshund" and "miniature pinscher" are two dog breeds, both originating from Germany. In other letters, Barnet’s passion for dogs emerges (see for instance Barnet’s next letter), shared with Henze and Moroni who owned greyhounds, a canine breed of English origin. Henze also informs Enzensberger in a letter on 5 January 1972 that Barnet has bought a dachshund.
  • "… del siglo pasado, Heredia ."It cannot be ascertained which poems and which essay Barnet is alluding to here.
  • "… pero que tú no estabas."It is likely that Fariñas attended a performance of Undine at the Staatsoper in Hamburg, premierd in German on 31 October 1972.
  • "… su carnet del Partido ."Barnet means Rodríguez’s membership of the Communist Party in Cuba. See also Henze’s letter to Enzensberger on 23 October 1973.


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