Brief von H. W. Henze an C. Kallman, 6. August 1964



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Hans Werner Henze

Castel Gandolfo (Rom)
Via dei Laghi 18

August 6, 1964 * Dearest Chester,

It was wonderful to hear from you after you seemed
to have completely disappeared and I did miss your and
Wystan’s news enormously.* I am glad you found love in
Greece and I wish you happiness from the center of my
heart.* I imagine you sunburned and in [the] best of spirits,
and your hair constantly growing by means of those damned
pills you recommended to me which made me fall ill. And
did not one hair come out of my skull, although I admit
some came out of my nose.

I have had quite a good time in Berlin and finished
the first half of "The Young Lord" there.* Then I con-
ducted two concerts with the Berlin Philharmonic who
I’ll never forget for the beautiful sweetness of the
orchestra and the enormous success I completely un-
expectedly got (more calls than Karajan ever had in

Then I had a not so good time in a not so good
place called Düsseldorf where I staged and conducted
a difficult opera called "The Prince of Homburg." *
On weekends I went to Amsterdam and had a thing with
a Dutch baby, or the Dutch baby came for the weekend
to Düsseldorf but in the meantime it turned out not to
be too glorious, submitting to the erroneous conviction
of being terribly clever and desirable and that was that.
Then I gave up being subsidized by the Ford Foundation
and went back to Italy.* "The Young Lord" is almost
finished* and I have started to complete my planning of
"The Bassarides," about which I am writing to both of
today. But now to the most important thing of the

Darling, I promise to do what I can for Kosta,*
and in fact I wrote a letter today to Mr. Klaus Nick-
who is the owner of Nick’s Men Shop in Munich
and in Berlin. He is very nice and he is also the
only person I know in the whole world who has to do
with advertising and therefore with models. I hope
my attempt will be successful and I asked Nickstadt to
write to you directly. Renate was really very ill a
month ago and very unhappy and also she went away from
Munich for awhile, so she might have forgotten to send
you information. But now perhaps you could write to
her again, after all she adores you and also she
certainly knows more about those things in Munich than
I do. Folker I cannot ask because he is on a tournee

HWH –2– in South America and later the southern part of the
U.S.A., and will be back only in the beginning of
.* I miss him with such pain that it’s almost
physical and also understand better than when he was
always around, that he is the noblest, most honest,
and most mannerly hearted friend in the world and I
thank God that he exists. I still don’t know how to
stand all those lonely months until he comes back,
just whoring around and disliking it. Anyway, I shall
work very hard and I am determined to make "The Bassarides"
very, very good. I’m quite satisfied with what I did
nel genere dell’opera buffa, and of course your pre-
dictions that it would be difficult were right but now
it’s getting very serious.

Thinking of a job for Kosta I keep wondering why
he should take a job which is so insecure and also
limited in the future as a photo model. Usually, as
far as I know, young actors or other professionalists
are models for the sake of some extra money; especially
in a country like Germany which is not very remarkable
where advertisement is concerned. On the other hand,
in a town like Munich, any kind of job should be available
because of the well known lack of available people.
He could be, I don’t know, for instance, a driver.
He could of course work in a restaurant, just to mention
the simplest things and it also might make him happier
to have a steady job and in the long run to be able not
to feel himself kept, which would be better for both
of you
. Please think about that and I’m pretty sure of being right.



Herausgegeben von
Elena Minetti
Elena Minetti; Joachim Veit


  • Textzeuge: Basel (Schweiz), Paul Sacher Stiftung (CH-Bps), Sammlung Hans Werner Henze, Abteilung: Korrespondenz
    Signatur: Kallman, Chester


    • Dokumenttyp: Brief
    • Material

    • Durchschlagpapier.
    • Umfang

    • 2 Blätter
    • 2 beschriebene Seiten
    • Abmessungen: 280x219 [mm] (HxB)
    • Zustand

    • Gelocht.
    • Layout

    • Zeilenabstand: 1zeilig
    • Absatz eingerückt
    • Leerzeilen nach jedem Absatz
    • Rand links: 4 cm



  • ".""/" ersetzt durch "."
  • "|"in der Zeile hinzugefügt, handschriftlich
  • "… professionalists are models for |"This is a stroke that separates two words that were written together.
  • "l""e" ersetzt durch "l"


  • "… August 6, 1964"On the same day, 6 August 1964, Henze wrote another letter to Chester Kallman and Wystan H. Auden about The Bassarids.
  • "… and Wystan 's news enormously." Kallman’s letter, which Henze is replying to here, was written after a gap of over three years in the Henze, Auden and Kallman correspondence. In fact, the last letter Henze received before this exchange of letters was dated 17 March 1961 and his secretary’s letter to Kallman was dated 25 September 1961.
  • "… the center of my heart." In his letter, Kallman wrote about his new Greek partner, Kosta.
  • "… of The Young Lord there."Henze lived in Berlin’s Trabenstraße in the summer of 1964, where he composed the entire Act I of the opera The Young Lord, as he writes in his Autobiography, p. 191. Henze would continue to live in Berlin through the winter of 1964-1965 with a Ford Foundation fellowship, obtained at the same time as Ingeborg Bachmann and Wystan Hugh Auden.
  • "… ever had in Berlin )."Henze conducted two very successful concerts on 9 and 12 April 1964, during which the Berliner Philharmoniker performed his symphonies. On that occasion (on 9 April 1964) Henze’s 1. Sinfonie (composed in 1947) was also premiered. See Henze’s Autobiography pp. 70-71 and also Rudolf Stephan, "Henzes Sinfonien. Zu zwei Konzertabenden der Berliner Symphoniker", in: Süddeutsche Zeitung München (17 April 1964).
  • "… The Prince of Homburg ."The opera Der Prinz von Homburg was performed at the Deutsche Oper am Rhein in Düsseldorf, conducted by Henze himself, on 21 May 1964.
  • "… went back to Italy ."It is not known when and why Henze gave up the Ford Foundation scholarship. The composer was certainly awarded the scholarship in the winter semester of 1964-1965 and lived in Berlin at the same time of Bachmann and Auden, who were also recipients of the Ford Foundation scholarship, see Henze’s Autobiography, pp. 190-191.
  • "… Young Lord is almost finished"In his Autobiography, p. 191, Henze writes that he completed the composition of the Act II of The Young Lord at Castel Gandolfo.
  • "… I can for Kosta ,"In his previous letter, Kallman asked Henze for help in finding a job in Germany as a model for his partner Kosta from Greece.
  • "HWH"Abk. von "Hans Werner Henze".
  • "… the beginning of December ."At the time of this letter, Folker Bohnet was Henze’s partner. In his Autobiography, p. 191, the composer writes about Folker’s tour as follows: "Folker had gone to South America with a German touring company, giving his Hamlet to the subcontinent’s German colonies. I had said goodbye to him at the airport in Düsseldorf and now felt a certain emptiness, not least because the tour was to last rather more than a year."
  • nel genere dell'opera buffa
    • in the genre of opera buffa



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