Brief (mit Beilage) von H. W. Henze an M. Barnet, 19. Juli 1982



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La Leprara
00047 Marino (Roma)
July 19th, ’82 My dear Miguel,

your stay in Marino was so wonderful that still now it
seems you’ve left only yesterday. I received your letter,
and your admirable lecture on documentary novel,* thank
you very much, also for the clippings from „Granma“ and
„Juventud Rebelde“.* While you were in Amsterdam still, I
tried to reach you there by phone, but it didn’t work.*

I loved the little sculpture by Osvaldo Castilla, too, it
is very charming and yet strong, it speaks to you in a
very clear and direct way.*

While you were in Holland still, I had the world premiére of
my „Miracle de la Rose“ in London which made a big
effect on the audience* and then did a tour, through Italy,
Germany, and Switzerland, with the London Sinfonietta.* I
did not conduct, I went home and worked on the „English
* instead and succeeded in sketching quite a lot. Then,
end of June and the first week of July, I conducted
a series of 7 concerts with the London Symphony Orchester[sic],*
lots of acclaim and big audiences and very good press. Now
I’m quite exhausted, and I cannot work, so I sleep
most of the time. In August I shall work in the
North of Scotland, on a little island belonging to the
Hebrides, it should be nice and cool there, which I

La Leprara
00047 Marino (Roma)
need, and a friend and collaborator, Jens Brockmeyer, a
Hegelian philosopher, will come with me.* 4 weeks of
concentrated work, it should be quite wonderful. I am
rather much pressed with time, a hateful feeling, and
depressed with loneliness. And the years go by, and nothing
happens, well, that isn’t true, things are changing all the
time. I hope I can give Rogelio his well-deserved holiday
soon, it would be a good thing, I’m sure. Sometimes
we are terrified there might be a big world war, that is happening
in the[sic] Lebanon (not far from here) is an open provocation and
a marvelous one, a true holocaust has been made, and more
is to come, it seems unbelievable, and no reason seems to
be able to prevail.*

Were the puppies born when you were here? In case you didn’t
know, Tania had six, and Cosima seven, and they are very
sweet (like all puppies) and Fausto is delighted. He took off his
moustache, so I’m delighted, too. Yoichi is working, all day long, for
his exhibition next year in March.* It is unusually warm here,
and I’m tired and rather bored or unhappy and not inspired.

My body is bored, my brain as well, it is all a bit too much, I
suppose. I hope you are very well
– and are you thinking of
the opera we should write together, and are you collecting material,
and reading black fairy tales?*

I make you a list of my whereabouts when you come to
your DAAD stay.* I would love you see „We come to
the River“
in Stuttgart on October 1st, can’t you arrange things
in a way that you will be there? It is my most important

La Leprara
00047 Marino (Roma)
stage work, and my own production.* in Oct. and Nov.
I shall mainly be in Marino, as you can see, and
that’s when I must finish the opera,* so make sure
you’ll have a visa for Italy so that you can come
to visit me, and discuss the fairy tale project. If that
proves difficult, I shall come to see you in Berlin, of course.
Wonderful idea to see you again soon.* Please give my
love to all my friends in Cuba, who knows maybe I
will be able to come to see them all soon?!

A big hug, and greetings from everyone here –
yours, hans

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La Leprara
00047 Marino (Roma)


Sept. 5 Darmstadt Stadttheater RFA „Der Prinz von Homburg“
Sept 7 – 19 Marino
Sept 20.–29 Stuttgart: Rehearsals for „We come to the River
Address: c/o Moroni
Sonnenbergstrasse 107
D – 7 Stuttgart
tel. 0711/234488
Oct 1st premiére of „We come ....
Oct 2 – 7 Marino
Oct 8 – 14 Stuttgart (Symphony Concert Oct. 14th)
Oct 15 – 22 Marino
Oct 23 – 30 Mürzzuschlag (Austria)

Workshop with my composition class and
the local and theatrical forces

Nov 1 – 20 Marino
Nov, 20 – 24 teaching in Cologne
       24 – 30 Marino
Dec.       Marino

don’t lose this precious
piece of information!

Love – hans



The description of the sources was made according to the provided digital copies.


Herausgegeben von
Elena Minetti
Elena Minetti


  • Textzeuge: Miguel Barnet, Private Collection


    • Dokumenttyp: Brief
    • Material

    • BP_Henze_06
    • Faltung: 3mal längs
    • Umfang

    • 3 Blätter
    • 3 beschriebene Seiten
    • Layout

    • Text in der Mitte der Seiten.



  • "Orchester"sic
  • "big world"über der Zeile hinzugefügt
  • "the"sic
  • "too"über der Zeile hinzugefügt


  • "… admirable lecture on documentary novel,"Barnet is likely to have sent Henze a script of a lecture on his last „novela testimonio“, Gallego, first published in 1981.
  • "… Granma and Juventud Rebelde ."See Barnet’s previous letter, in which he announces that he sent some newspaper clippings.
  • "… phone, but it didn't work."Barnet had visited Amsterdam during his European trip in spring 1982. See his description of the city in Barnet’s previous letter.
  • "… very clear and direct way."About Barnet’s present, see his previous letter.
  • "made"recte "had".
  • "… big effect on the audience" Le Miracle de la Rose was premiered by the London Sinfonietta with the clarinetist Anthony Pay on 26 May 1982 in London. Henze was the conductor, even if in his Autobiography, p. 396, he wrote that the conductor was Pay.
  • "… with the London Sinfonietta ."The dates of the performances in the three countries Henze mentioned could not be traced. See Henze’s letter to Paul Sacher of 21 January 1982 in which the composer talks about a possible performance of Le Miracle de la Rose in Zurich.
  • "… worked on the English Cat"Henze had started working on the opera The English Cat set to Edward Bond’s libretto as early as March 1980. See Henze’s Autobiography, pp. 383–384. The opera was premiered on 2 June 1983 during the Schwetzingen Festival.
  • "… the London Symphony Orchester ,"Henze recounts these concerts at the Barbican Centre in London with the London Symphony Orchestra in his Autobiography, p. 397. Details of the pieces played in the concerts can be found in the „Concert Annals of the London Symphony Orchestra“ for 1982.
  • "… philosopher, will come with me."Henze spent his holidays at Harrison Birtwistle’s house on the Inner Hebridean island of Raasay. See Henze’s Autobiography, p. 397.
  • "… to be able to prevail."Here, Henze refers to the „1982 Lebanon War“ between the Palestine Liberation Organization operating in southern Lebanon and the Israeli military, which began on 6 June 1982, when Israel invaded southern Lebanon.
  • "… next year in March ."It is not known which Ohira exhibition Henze is alluding to here.
  • "… and reading black fairy tales?"As is also evident later in this letter, during their meeting in May 1982 they had imagined developing a musical project on fairy tales, of African Yombe origin. Both Henze and Barnet had recently worked with fairy tales, Henze composing Pollicino in 1980, Barnet publishing Akeké y la jutía: fábulas cubanas in 1978. This project, however, did not come to fruition. See also Barnet’s letter of 15 December 1984.
  • "… come to your DAAD stay."In his previous letter, Barnet told Henze that he would return to Germany with the DAAD scholarship from June or July to September 1982. From the dates Henze writes in the schedule attached to this letter, however, it can be deduced that Barnet’s European stay had been later shifted to September/December 1982, perhaps also because of his hernia operation. However, a later letter from Barnet informs that his trip to Europe in the second half of 1982 would not take place.
  • "… work, and my own production."See Henze’s schedule attached to this letter and Henze’s Autobiography, pp. 369-370.
  • "… must finish the opera ,"At the end of 1982, Henze was to work on the composition of The English Cat, which he finished on 31 January 1983. See Autobiography, p. 400.
  • "… to see you again soon."The correspondence located to date cannot confirm that Barnet and Henze met again at the end of 1982.



        Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Hans Werner Henze-Stiftung (Dr. Michael Kerstan).

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