Henze's Schedule (September – December 1982)



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La Leprara
00047 Marino (Roma)

Hans *

Sept. 5 Darmstadt Stadttheater RFA „Der Prinz von Homburg“
Sept 7 – 19 Marino
Sept 20.–29 Stuttgart: Rehearsals for „We come to the River*
Address: c/o Moroni
Sonnenbergstrasse 107*
D – 7 Stuttgart
tel. 0711/234488
Oct 1st premiére of „We come ....
Oct 2 – 7 Marino
Oct 8 – 14 Stuttgart (Symphony Concert Oct. 14th)*
Oct 15 – 22 Marino
Oct 23 – 30 Mürzzuschlag (Austria)

Workshop with my composition class and
the local and theatrical forces*

Nov 1 – 20 Marino
Nov, 20 – 24 teaching in Cologne
       24 – 30 Marino
Dec.       Marino

don’t lose this precious
piece of information!

Love – hans




  • Textzeuge: Miguel Barnet, Private Collection


    • Dokumenttyp: Dokument
    • Material

    • BP_Henze_06
    • Faltung: 3mal längs
    • Umfang

    • 1 Blatt
    • 1 beschriebene Seite
    • Layout


    • "Stadttheater"über der Zeile hinzugefügt


    • "… Hans"This document constitutes the fourth page of Henze’s letter, which it is attached to. Here, Henze informs Barnet of his movements between September and December 1982, when Barnet was supposed to be in Europe as a recipient of the DAAD scholarship. A subsequent letter from Barnet informs Henze that he would not be travelling to Europe in the second half of 1982.
    • "… We come to the River"The opera was staged in Stuttgart on 1 October 1982, as mentioned below.
    • "… Sonnenbergstrasse 107"In his Autobiography, p. 370, Henze recounts that Moroni had found an apartment for them in Stuttgart on the street mentioned here in the document.
    • "premiére"recte "première".
    • "… (Symphony Concert Oct. 14th )"Henze was in Stuttgart for the „Atelier Hans Werner Henze“ festival, organised by the Süddeutscher Rundfunk from 11 to 15 October 1982. In particular, he conducted a symphonic concert on 15 October that included Richard Wagner’s Tristan und Isolde (Vorspiel und Isoldes Liebestod); Wagner/Henze Wesendonck-Lieder and Henze’s Tristan, performed by the Radio-Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart with Homero Francesch (piano) and Christa Ludwig (mezzosoprano).
    • "… the local and theatrical forces"Henze refers to his „composition class“ at the Cologne Hochschule, where he taught from 1980 to 1991. See also Henze’s Autobiography, pp. 390-391 and p. 398, in which he writes: „End of October in Mürzzuschlag.“


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