Letter from H. W. Henze to M. Barnet, January 16, 1985


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more details: General Remark.
La Leprara
00047 Marino (Roma)
Jan. 16, 1984 * Dear Miguel,

I received your letter of Dec. 15 only yesterday,
probably the snow catastrophy that hit Italy
at the beginning of the year has something to do
with it.* But it is a pity that in our age the
mail service is so slow. I was wondering why
you didn’t ring me on the phone, we might have
been able to arrange something. It is up to you: you
are the one who travels around like mad, I am
quite stationary and will be so more and more.* I
have a new secretary who will always be able to
help making the arrangements: Nikolaus Westphal,
D - 7 Stuttgart, Sonnenbergstrasse 107 Tel. (711)
243434. He always knows where I am. But the
way things have been going between you and me are
that I have serious doubts to ever see you:
You always get in touch when you are just returniy
returning to your home country: I have even
been thinking it is intentional. Please forgive me,
but this is an impression I have had.* If people
really want to get together, they find the way.

But don’t worry, try again, I’m here, I can

La Leprara
00047 Marino (Roma)

be found, I can be visited, I can be written
called and telexed to, and telephoned. Perhaps you
lost my number? It is Rome 9388328.

I’m glad La vida real is finished, and
is a success. Can’t wait to read it. Wish you
much luck with it.*

My work is going very well, and my international
success is increasing, and that is nice to see and to
I’m proud that it all happens on my own,
I don’t belong to a group. I’m single, and the
only support I have is the quality of my craft.
My whole international carreer was made while I was
living for 30 years in the southern Italian countryside. * Where I’m
planning to spend more and more time, giving up
directing, teaching and conducting, and only read, study,
live, compose to my own leisure and pleasure. I’m
determined to start this in ’87 (85 and 86 still
being rather busy)* – of course, with such a life style,
sensitiveness increases, and negligence and/or indifference
on the side of my friends hurts more than it would
normally. But that is my problem.

Wish you all the best –
with love, as always, hans

Regards from
(Yoichi is visiting
his home country!)


General Remark

The description of the sources was made according to the provided digital copies.


Elena Minetti
Elena Minetti


  • Text Source: Miguel Barnet, Private Collection

    Physical Description

    • Document type: Letter
    • Material

    • BP_Henze_07
    • Vergilbtes Papier
    • Extent

    • 2 folios
    • 2 written pages
    • Layout

    • 1,5zeilig

Writing styles

Text Constitution

  • "returniy"crossed out
  • "for 30 years"added above
  • "… in the southern Italian countryside."The words “country” and “side” are linked with a line.
  • "s"crossed out


  • "1984"recte "1985".
  • "… Jan. 16, 1984"The reference to Barnet’s letter dated 15 December, as well as further references in the text such as the anomalous snowfall of 1985 and the mentioning of Barnet’s La vida real, suggests that Henze got the year of the letter wrong and wrote 1984 instead of 1985, as sometimes happens at the beginning of a new year when one still has to get used to it.
  • "catastrophy"recte "catastrophe".
  • "… something to do with it."In central and northern Italy, an exceptionally heavy snowfall occurred between 13 and 16 January 1985.
  • "… be so more and more."See Barnet’s previous letter, in which he wrote that he was back in Europe.
  • "making"recte "make".
  • "to"recte "whether I will".
  • "… an impression I have had."See Barnet’s reply in the undated postcard.
  • "Wish"recte "Wishing".
  • "… you much luck with it."See Barnet’s previous letter in which he wrote to Henze about his new book.
  • "carreer"recte "career".
  • "… in the southern Italian countryside."Indeed 30 years earlier, in the autumn of 1955, Henze had first moved to southern Italy.
  • "… 86 still being rather busy)"The fact that the year 1984 is not mentioned confirms that this letter was indeed written in 1985, and not in 1984.



        Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Hans Werner Henze-Stiftung (Dr. Michael Kerstan).

        If you've spotted some error or inaccuracy please do not hesitate to inform us via henze-digital [@] zenmem.de.