Telegram from H. W. Henze to C. Kallman, January 12, 1967
Show markers in text
Absolute Chronology
- 1967-01-12: to Sacher
- 1967-01-05: from Auden
- 1967-02-19: to Auden
- 1967-01-15: from Auden
Astenersi dall’inviarci copia del
telegramma telefonato per evitare
che sia trasmesso due volte.
Il presente telegramma è stato riletto al mittente e da questi è stato approvato nella sua qualifica e nel suo contenuto
Il Governo Italiano e la Società Italcable non assumono alcuna resposabilità civile in conseguenza del servizio cablografico, telegrafico e radioelettrico.
Il Governo Italiano e la Società Italcable non assumono alcuna resposabilità civile in conseguenza del servizio cablografico, telegrafico e radioelettrico.
- Editor(s)
- Elena Minetti
- Transcription
- Elena Minetti; Dennis Ried
Text Source: Basel (Schweiz), Paul Sacher Stiftung (CH-Bps), Sammlung Hans Werner Henze, Abteilung: Korrespondenz
Shelf mark: Kallman, ChesterPhysical Description
- Document type: Telegram
- Dickes weißes Papier
- 1 folio
- 1 written page
- Dimensions: 176x212 [mm] (HxW)
- Gelocht. Ein kleineres Stück Papier wurde an das Telegramm geheftet. Die beiden Stücke wurden später getrennt.
- Struktur des Telegramms: “Italcable”
Accompanying Material
- Dimensions: 150x40 [mm] (HxW)
Writing styles
2.Handwriting, pencil.
3.Typescript, blue.
4.Typescript, red.
Text Constitution
"GRE"added inline, handwritten, pencil
"2135"added above, handwritten, pencil
"028"added inline, handwritten, pencil
"29"added above, handwritten, pencil
"RA"added inline, handwritten, pencil
"28"added inline, handwritten, pencil
"3,85"added above, handwritten, pencil
illegible (approx. 1 character)
"… Italcable"The structure of the template written on this small piece of paper accompanying the telegram has been previously stamped on the page.
Following: Typescript, blue
"LT RP"added inline, Typescript, red
"65"added inline, Text turned clockwise (270°), Typescript, blue
[Figure Description]Green representation of a planisphere.
"Accett."abbreviation of "Accettazione".
"Indic. Dest."abbreviation of "Indicazione destinatario".
"Sgl. Acc."abbreviation of "Sigla Accettazione".
"… already can you send yours"Here, Henze asks Kallman to send the text of the school-opera Moralities. Kallman initially took part in its development, but probably did not send any text to Henze, since Kallman does not figure as the opera’s librettist. Henze probably set the deadline for 25 January 1967, just 11 days after sending this telegram.
[Rotation]Section in the left margin, Text turned clockwise (270°).