Letter card from M. Barnet to H. W. Henze, July 18, 1982 at the latest



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[Figure: ]


[18 July 1982 at the latest] * Dear Hans:

I was waiting to write to you until the weekly
edition of Granma    would come out with a long
cronichle of my trip to Europe and the Cimarrón
and La Cubana on the german[sic] stage.* But this
article would not come out until the end of
the week and muy very good friend Wando Marti-
, who, by the way,comes to Cuba very of-
ten because he is the man who broke the blocka-
de 20 years ago by bringing italian[sic] tourists
to my country, is leaving tomorrow and I am
taking advantage of this to give him t-his
not-e. * Anyway I include something that the
papers have published(there is more)[sic] so that
you could have a rough idea of how your name
is normally on the papers here.*
I recieved the packet in Amsterdam and I gave
all the music to Leo.* He is very happy, with
your note and of course with the music; he is
also willing to invite you to come to Cuba and
perform     Cimarroón[sic] and something else with the
opera, but I also spoke to Alicia because she
is now the director of the Opera Theatre * and
also the Ballet Comapany as always. She was
very impressed with what I told her about
Rachel also. You know she has always wanted to

to work in some proj ect with y-ou. *
Hans, I have plans to operate my hernia on the
28 of july[sic], have a month[’s] rest and go to the
DAAD for 3 months* to see you and work in our
idea,* and my book on th- e minorities.*
Amsterdam was wonderful, really charming and
poetic; a very touchy experience and andx adven-
ture for the imago.
Whyy don’t you buy andx apartment there? I will
keep it for you in the summer. It is a really
fantastic place. But your house in Marino is
a total joy; peace, love and arte del mejor,
and what about the sweetie Coccolo and the rest
of the tribe.* I really had a pleasant time there
and seeing you again was like touching a dream
with my fingers. I can notdescribe to you what
I felt when I saw you at the Marino station
waiting for me. It was a solid feeling of friend[-]
ship and love. Give a kiss to Fausto and Yoichi,
and also to Coccolo. Remember I will see you
soon again. Rogelio came last week and it was
like always; very happy feeling and very sad
at the mean time. He was like a kid with his
T-shirts and his candys. We rewrote the letter
and I signed it for you.* He is taking it to the
right place. OK, brother, meet Wando, you will

love him. He is a member of the
A libbi or whatever the name
of that place is,* you know, and
also of the Comunist Party. ¡ Eureka!

The mini-sculpture I am sending
to you belongs to the enchanted
hands of the most famous
Cellini of the tropics, my friend

Oswaldo[sic] Castilla ,* Wando could
tell you about more but this
comes from my heart and my

A big hug,
Miguel Barnet



Elena Minetti
Elena Minetti; Joachim Veit


  • Text Source: Basel (Schweiz), Paul Sacher Stiftung (CH-Bps), Sammlung Hans Werner Henze, Abteilung: Korrespondenz
    Shelf mark: Barnet, Miguel

    Physical Description

    • Document type: Letter card
    • Material

    • Doppelkarte hochkant; dickeres Papier
    • Extent

    • 1 folio
    • 3 written pages
    • Dimensions: 183x133 [mm] (HxW)
    • Layout

    • Faltkarte: Auf Seite 1 recto Zeichnung einer Kirche in Gold, 1 verso und 2 verso mit Schreibmaschine beschrieben, 2 recto handschriftlich. Auf Seite 2 recto in der Mitte befindet sich ein vorgedruckter Neujahrswunsch in goldenen Buchstaben.
    • Barnet hat die Seitenzahlen oben in der Mitte geschrieben: Die erste “(1.)” und die dritte “(3) ” Seite hat er handschriftlich nummeriert, die zweite “(2)” mit der Schreibmaschine.

Writing styles

Text Constitution

  • Following: handwritten, ballpoint pen (black), Barnet, Miguel
  • Following: Typescript, Barnet, Miguel
  • "le""el" replaced with "le"
  • "german"sic
  • "u"crossed out
  • "en""ne" replaced with "en"
  • ",""r" crossed out and replaced with ",", handwritten, ballpoint pen (black), Barnet, Miguel
  • "italian"sic
  • "am""and" crossed out and replaced with "am"
  • "-"added inline, handwritten, ballpoint pen (black), Barnet, Miguel
  • "… give him t - his"Connecting arch from "t" to "h" added.
  • "-"added inline, handwritten, ballpoint pen (black), Barnet, Miguel
  • "… - his not - e."Connecting arch from "t" to "e" added.
  • "–"added inline, handwritten, ballpoint pen (black), Barnet, Miguel
  • "… - e. Any – way"Connecting arch from "y" to "w" added.
  • "h"added above
  • "published(there is more)"sic
  • "could"added above, handwritten, ballpoint pen (black), Barnet, Miguel
  • "I""" (uncertain transcription) replaced with "I", handwritten, ballpoint pen (black), Barnet, Miguel
  • "… on the papers here. I"The overwritten letter is no longer identifiable.
  • "y,""ay" replaced with "y,"
  • "Cimarr pi oón "sic
  • "oón""pi" replaced with "oón", handwritten, ballpoint pen (black), Barnet, Miguel
  • "director"Underlining, handwritten, ballpoint pen (black), Barnet, Miguel
  • "ea""ae" replaced with "ea"
  • "a"crossed out, handwritten, ballpoint pen (black), Barnet, Miguel
  • "y"added above
  • "… y s wanted to (2)"Barnet does not write on the page immediately next to it, i.e. on page 2 recto, because this contained the pre-printed greetings and he prefers to continue writing on page 2 verso.
  • "j""y" replaced with "j"
  • "-"added inline, handwritten, ballpoint pen (black), Barnet, Miguel
  • "… ect with y - ou."Dash connecting the "y" to the "o".
  • "jul j y "sic
  • "y""j" replaced with "y"
  • ""erased, handwritten, ballpoint pen (black), Barnet, Miguel
  • "t"added above, handwritten, ballpoint pen (black), Barnet, Miguel
  • "r"added above
  • "-"added inline, handwritten, ballpoint pen (black), Barnet, Miguel
  • "… my book on th -"Dash connecting the "h" to the "e".
  • "n"added above
  • "d"deleted by overtyping
  • "imago"Underlining, handwritten, ballpoint pen (black), Barnet, Miguel
  • "yy""ax" replaced with "yy"
  • "u""o" replaced with "u"
  • "d"deleted by overtyping
  • "arte del mejor, "Underlining, handwritten, ballpoint pen (black), Barnet, Miguel
  • "… arte del mejor ,"Barnet used the expression "arte del mejor" probably in reference to Henze’s pieces of art, books and recordings of the highest quality that Henze had in "La Leprara".
  • "e"added above
  • "i"added above
  • "a"added above
  • "l"added above
  • "y""u" replaced with "y"
  • "a"added above
  • "i""k" replaced with "i"
  • "ie""ei" replaced with "ie"
  • "th""ht" replaced with "th"
  • "t""l" replaced with "t"
  • Following: handwritten, ballpoint pen (black), Barnet, Miguel
  • "… Wando , you will (3)"Due to the lack of space on the back of page, Barnet is forced to use the front of page 2, which contains the pre-printed greeting.
  • "… of the tropics, my friend"Barnet is writing on a pre-printed card with New Year’s greetings for 1982. Here the greeting card contains the logo and pre-printed message.
  • "Oswaldo"sic
  • "… desea un Feliz Año 1982"These preprinted greetings are placed in the middle of the page.


  • [Figure Description]Drawing of a church printed in gold.
  • "… July 1982 at the latest"Barnet’s message in this card was certainly written on 18 July 1982 at the latest, because on 19 July Henze wrote his letter of reply.
  • "cronich el le "recte "chronicle".
  • "… Cubana on the german stage."Here, Barnet refers to his trip to Europe in May 1982, which enabled him to see El Cimarrón and La Cubana live with Henze and Hans Magnus Enzensberger in Rostock. See Henze’s Autobiography, p. 395.
  • "… - his not - e."As already noted, correspondence between Cuba and Europe was often sent and received through people taking intercontinental trips.
  • "on"recte "in".
  • "… normally on the papers here."No newspaper clippings were found attached to the letter, but – as Henze wrote in his reply of 19 July 1982 – Barnet sent him newspaper clippings from Granma and Juventud Rebelde with this letter.
  • "recieved"recte "received".
  • "… the music to Leo ."Henze probably sent the packet when Barnet was in Europe in the spring of 1982. From this letter, it emerges that Barnet was also in Amsterdam. See Henze’s reply on 19 July 1982.
  • "… the Opera Th ea tre"Since 2005, the "Gran Teatro de L’Avana" has been named after the dancer Alicia Alonso.
  • "… ect with y - ou."Despite Barnet’s willingness to bring Henze back to Cuba with a musical project and an official invitation, this never happened.
  • "… the DAAD for 3 months"Barnet’s trip to Germany with the DAAD scholarship was originally planned for June or July until September 1982, as Barnet writes in his letter. Evidently, it was postponed by of his hernia operation. See also Henze’s letter of 19 July 1982. However, a later letter from Barnet informs that his trip to Europe in the second half of 1982 would not take place. Barnet’s name is indeed not on the list of 1982 DAAD scholarship recipients. See DAAD Jahrbuch.
  • "in"recte "on".
  • "… r k in our idea,"As is more clearly deduced from Henze’s reply, during their meeting Barnet and Henze had imagined a musical project based on fairy tales.
  • "… on th - e minorities."It is not clear which book Barnet is thinking of here. He addresses the subject of "minorities" among others in his 1986 lecture "The African presence in Cuban culture".
  • " Wh ax yy "recte "Why".
  • arte del mejor
    • art of the best
  • "… the rest of the tribe."Coccolo was one of Henze’s greyhounds that Barnet had met at La Leprara a few weeks earlier.
  • "can not"recte "cannot".
  • "candys"recte "candies".
  • "… I signed it for you."Perhaps Henze had sent messages for other Cuban friends that needed to be transcribed and signed.
  • "… name of that place is,"Perhaps Barnet wanted to mention the "ARCI", of which Martinelli was a member and also founder of the association in Cuba. See "Vando Martinelli a Cuba: una vita da romanzo".
  • "Comunist"recte "Communist".
  • "… my friend Oswaldo Castilla ,"See Henze’s reaction to Barnet’s present in his reply on 19 July 1982.
  • La Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba le desea un Feliz Año 1982
    • wishes you a happy 1982


        If you've spotted some error or inaccuracy please do not hesitate to inform us via henze-digital@zenmem.de.