Letter (with Envelope) from M. Barnet to H. W. Henze, April 1982



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[April 1982] * Caro fratello

Todo parece indicar que
por fin iré a Rostock y
primero a Roma.

As soon as I get to the
Fiumiccino[sic] airport * I will
phone you. It must be on
the first week of May; I
don’t know exactly what
day yet, but I am expecting
impatiently the moment to
embrace you for all these
past years of separation.*

[Figure: ]

A big kiss to

This is a reduced preview. For further information switch to the edition of the Envelope

[Envelope, Manuscript]

Organo del Partito Comunista Italiano – 00185 Roma – Via die Taurini, 19

Hans Werner Henze
Via La Leprara 0047



Elena Minetti
Elena Minetti


  • Text Source: Basel (Schweiz), Paul Sacher Stiftung (CH-Bps), Sammlung Hans Werner Henze, Abteilung: Korrespondenz
    Shelf mark: Barnet, Miguel

    Physical Description

    • Document type: Letter
    • Material

    • Gelbliches Papier mittlerer Dicke.
    • Faltung: 2 mal längs (in Viertel)
    • Extent

    • 1 folio
    • 1 written page
    • Dimensions: 325x214 [mm] (HxW)
    • Layout

    • Anrede ca. 15mm vom linken Rand, Rest ca. 60mm eingerückt; sehr große Schrift; Barnets gezeignete Sigle links unten neben der Grußformel; Zeilen sonst nicht eingerückt; nach separation links das Symbol, die Grußformel dann quasi im rechten Drittel

Writing styles

Text Constitution

  • "Fiumiccino"sic


  • "… April 1982"The dating of this letter derives from Barnet’s announcement of his arrival in Italy in the first week of May. The stamps on the envelope in which it was kept certify that the letter was sent from San Gimignano on 3 May 1982 and was received by Henze on 6 May 1982. Evidently Barnet had written the letter as early as April, and the delay was probably due to its late dispatch from Italy with the person Barnet entrusted to transport the letter on the transoceanic journey from Cuba to Italy and to send it to Henze from there.
  • Caro fratello
    • Dear brother
  • Todo parece indicar que por fin iré a Rostock y primero a Roma.
    • It looks like I will finally go to Rostock and first to Rome.
  • "… y primero a Roma ."Barnet had asked Henze in the previous letter for an official invitation from Rostock. From this sentence it can be deduced that he had obtained it. Barnet would visit Henze first at his villa “La Leprara”, in Marino, near Rome.
  • "… get to the Fiumiccino airport"As he writes in an earlier letter, Barnet would land at Fiumicino airport, close to Rome, from Madrid.
  • "on"recte "in".
  • "expecting"recte "waiting".
  • "… these past years of separation."Henze and Barnet had last seen each other in Cuba, twelve years earler, in January 1970.
  • [Figure Description]Geometric design similar to the signature Barnet often used in his letters.


        If you've spotted some error or inaccuracy please do not hesitate to inform us via henze-digital [@] zenmem.de.