Envelope of: M. Barnet to H. W. Henze, May 3, 1982



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Is envelope of A04039F4

[Envelope, Manuscript]

Organo del Partito Comunista Italiano – 00185 Roma – Via die Taurini, 19

Hans Werner Henze
Via La Leprara 0047



Elena Minetti
Elena Minetti


  • Text Source: Basel (Schweiz), Paul Sacher Stiftung (CH-Bps), Sammlung Hans Werner Henze, Abteilung: Korrespondenz
    Shelf mark: Barnet, Miguel

    Physical Description

    • Document type: Envelope
    • Material

    • dünner heller Briefumschlag
    • Poststempel: “20099 SESTO SAN GIOVANNI (MI), Datum: “– 3.-5.82.10”, die 10 wieder kleiner; 5x gestemepelt, meist sehr undeutlich
    • 4 Sorten Briefmarken; unten: 2x10-er Marke in braun//orange, CASTELLO | SFORZESCO · MILANO und ITALIA und I.R.Z.S. sowie T. MELE; 4x10 Lire in hellem rot, gekrönter Frauenkopf POSTE | REPVBBLICA | ITALIANA (Angabe darunter zu klein), 2x20 in blau-braun CASTEL | DEL MONTE, ITALIA, I.R.Z.S. - ROMA und T. MELE, sowie 1x 200 in bräunlich, CASTELLO | CERRO AL VOLTURNO, ITALIA, I.R.Z.S. ROMA, E. DONNINI INC.
    • Auf der Rückseite rechts Stempel: “00047 MARINO (ROMA)” mit Posthörnchen, Datum: “-6.5.82-12”
    • Extent

    • 1 folio
    • 1 written page
    • Dimensions: 107x227 [mm] (HxW)
    • Condition

    • Einsteckdreieck der Rückseite teilweise abgerissen
    • Layout

    • Aufdruck auf der Vorderseite links oben, groß: “l’Unità”, darunter: Organo del partito communista italiano - 00185 Roma - Via dei Taurini, 19

Writing styles

  • 1.
    Handwriting, felt pen/fineliner (dark).

Text Constitution

  • "… San Gimignano / -3.-5.82."Since the stamp had little ink, the postal clerk made four identical stamps, until one of them was clearly legible.
  • "… "There are a total of 9 stamps of different values: starting from the left, “Castle of Cerro al Volturno”, in two equal stamps “Castel del Monte” and in two others the “Castello Sforzesco”, while in the remaining four, a woman’s head is depicted with the “Repubblica Italiana” written underneath.
  • "… La Leprara 0047 Marino Roma"The address was probably written by the person in charge of sending Barnet’s letter to Henze.


  • [Stamp (round)]San Gimignano / -3.-5.82.*
    For more information see apparatus
  • "… San Gimignano / -3.-5.82."Barnet did not send the letter from San Gimignano himself; it was sent by someone linked to the Communist Party (as the address on the envelope suggests), to whom Barnet had entrusted the dispatch of the letter. Letters were not normally posted from Cuba, but given to friends or acquaintances who undertook the transoceanic journey and who would send them once they arrived in Europe.

  • For more information see apparatus
  • [Stamp (round)]00047 Marino ( Roma ) / -6. 5. 82-12
    For more information see apparatus


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