Telegram from C. Kallman/W. H. Auden to H. W. Henze, September 29, 1965


Show markers in text

more details: General Remark.


= =CT ELT Henze Laghi 18 CastelgandolfoRomaItaliendavere un dio
Semele K e Zeus A )


[Ricevuto il .........]

Per circuito N. 29/9

[19........ ore......]

Le ore si contano sul meridiano corrispondente al tempo medio
dell’Europa Centrale.
Nei telegrammi impressi a caratteri romani, il primo numero
dopo il nome del luogo di origine rappresenta quello del telegramma,
il secondo quello delle parole, gli altri la data e l’ora e i minuti della

Bollo d’ufficio






Data della Presentazione

Via e indicazioni eventuali d’ufficio

10 Kirchstetten BEZ ST Poeltn[sic] 17 24 29 1515

1,83 112

Che piacere davere[sic] finalmente un Dio nella famiglia bravo =
Semele K e Zeus A

[Figure: ]


Nei telegrammi diretti a
destinatari abbonati a te-
lefono, invece dell’indirizzo
stradale, si può adoperare
l’indicazione (tassata per una
parola): TF......(n. abbonato)
seguita dal cognome o da al-
tra designazione sociale del-
l’abbonato. Es. TF 912468 =
Gastaldi Roma; TF 864319 =
Fabrital Milano.
Qualora il mittente non co-
nosca o non ricordi il numero
telefonico del destinatario può
ugualmente usufruire del ser-
vizio facendo precedere al-
l’indirizzo completo dell’ab-
bonato la sola indicazione TF.
Es. TF = Gastaldi Mario, Via
del Corso, 151 – Roma
Detti telegrammi vengo-
no, nei limiti del possibile,
telefonati subito all’abbonato
e recapitati per posta.

N. ... di recapito. Rimesso al fattorino alle ore ....
[ ]dovuto al fattorino pel recapito Il latore rimette
una ricevuta a stampa quando è incaricato di una riscossione

= ELT = Henze via dei Laghi
18 Castel Gandolfo
RomaItalien ===

Significato delle principali
indicazioni che eventualmente
figurano prima dell’indirizzo
FS = Far proseguire
GP = Da tenere a disposizione
del destinatario pressto
l’Ufficio postale.
MP = Da consegnarsi nelle ma-
ni del destinatario
TC = Telegr. collazionato.
PC = Telegr. con avviso tele-
grafico di ricevimento.
TF = Da telefonarsi al domi-
cilio del destinatario.
TR = Da tenere a disposizione
del destinatario presso
l’Ufficio telegrafico.
RP.x = Telegramma con rispo
sta pagata, x rappresenta
l’ammontare della tassa
pagata in lire italiane, o
franci oro.
XP = Telegramma con tassa di
espresso pagata dal mit-


General Remark

Some parts are illegible due to glued-on paper strips. These have been completed (cf. telegram of 7 September 1966 (Kallman to Henze) .


Elena Minetti
Elena Minetti; Dennis Ried


  • Text Source: Basel (Schweiz), Paul Sacher Stiftung (CH-Bps), Sammlung Hans Werner Henze, Abteilung: Korrespondenz
    Shelf mark: Kallman, Chester

    Physical Description

    • Document type: Telegram
    • Material

    • Dickes weißes Papier
    • Faltung: 3mal längs. Nachdem das Telegramm vertikal gefaltet worden war, wurde es horizontal gefaltet und dann oben mit einem weiteren, mit Klebeband befestigten Stück Papier verschlossen, auf dem die Adresse des Empfängers stand.
    • Extent

    • 1 folio
    • 2 written pages
    • Dimensions: 150x202 [mm] (HxW)
    • Condition

    • Papierstreifen mit vorgedruckter Botschaft, die auf die Vorderseite geklebt wird. Die Rückseite ist mit schwarzem Filzstift bekritzelt, was es manchmal unmöglich macht, einige der vorgedruckten Wörter zu entziffern.
    • Layout

    • Aufbau des Vordrucks für das Telephon-Telegramm
    • Geklebte bedruckte Streifen
    • Das Stück Papier mit Henzes Adresse, das die Laschen des gefalteten Blattes zusammenhielt und oben mit Klebeband befestigt war, weist Risse auf, die durch das Öffnen des Telegramms selbst entstanden sind.

Writing styles

  • 1.
  • 2.
    Handwriting, ballpoint pen (blue).
  • 3.
    Handwriting, pencil.

Text Constitution

  • "davere un dio Semele K e Zeus A )"sic
  • "… K e Zeus A )"Apparently, the addition of the last words ("davere un dio Semele K e Zeus A") here is an error.
  • "… K e Zeus A )"The paper strip is pasted on top of the following data row of the telegram and prevents some pre-printed indications from being read.
  • " 29/9 "added inline, handwritten, ballpoint pen (blue)
  • " "added below, handwritten, ballpoint pen (blue)
  • ""uncertain transcription
  • "… Castelgrandolfo ( Roma ) 29.-9.1965"The stamp is located above and overlaps the word "DAVERE" in the top line.
  • "Poeltn"sic
  • "… Poeltn 17 24 29 1515"The paper strip was pasted to the previous pre-printed line of the form.
  • "1,83"added inline, handwritten, pencil
  • "112"added inline, handwritten, pencil
  • "davere"sic
  • "… "The two preprinted columns are close together when the telegram is folded vertically and open like a window to read the message inside.
  • "… Telegramma"The whole area is glued overhead on the opposite side of this column (bottom). The telegram was originally folded so that this flap served as a seal.
  • Damage due to inkText loss by ink
  • "… Roma Italien ==="This is written on the piece of paper glued at the top to close the flaps of the folded sheet.


  • davere un dioSemele K e Zeus A )
    • to have a god in the family, Semele and Zeus.
  • [Stamp (round)]Poste Castelgrandolfo (Roma)29.-9.1965
    For more information see apparatus
  • "Num."abbreviation of "Numero".
  • Che piacere davere finalmente un Dio nella famiglia bravo = Semele K e Zeus A
    • What a pleasure to finally have a god in the family, bravo, Semele and Zeus.
  • "… Semele K e Zeus A"The two librettists congratulate Henze on finishing the composition of The Bassarids, which was completed on 28 September 1965 (see Henze’s Autobiography, p. 208). They sign using the names of Dionysus’ parents, namely Semele, mortal daughter of the king of Thebes Cadmus and Harmonia and sister of Agave, mother of Pentheus, and Zeus. The myth of the birth of Dionysus tells that the goddess Hera, Zeus’s wife, blinded by jealousy over her husband’s affair with Semele, went to her, assuming the guise of the servant Beroe, and to persuade her to demand that her lover prove himself in all his divine splendor. Semele is so insistent in her request that Zeus agreed, reducing her to ashes with his thunderbolt. But Zeus rescues the son the woman was carrying, Dionysus, and transplants him into her thigh, from which the child will be born in due time. Because of this double birth, appellations of Dionysus are 'the twice-born' or 'the child of the double door', to indicate the one who came twice to the gates of life. Precisely because of his gestation in the thigh of Zeus, Dionysus has a fully divine nature that mere paternal inheritance would not have assured him: in fact, as usual in Greek mythology, from the union of gods and mortal women would be born an exceptionally talented being, but still subject to the human condition.
  • [Figure Description]Picture of a telephone.
  • [Rotation]Section, Text turned clockwise (180°).
  • [Stamp (round)]Poste Castel Gandolfo * (Roma) * 29.9.1965
    For more information see apparatus



        By courtesy of the Estate of W. H. Auden and Chester Kallman.

        Legal notice

        Copyright by the Estate of W. H. Auden and Chester Kallman.

        If you've spotted some error or inaccuracy please do not hesitate to inform us via henze-digital [@]