Postal/view card from M. Barnet to H. W. Henze, May 31, 1978



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[31 May 1978] *

Hermano. At last
[I] am abroad. This time URSS.* Long
and beautiful trip. They want to
bring Cimarrón.* Pavel Gruzckó
will write you a letter asking for music and
lirycs.* Please receive
a big and very long kiss from your
dearest brother.

Please, please don’t
forget me
Miguel Barnet

[Figure: ]



Elena Minetti
Elena Minetti; Joachim Veit


  • Text Source: Basel (Schweiz), Paul Sacher Stiftung (CH-Bps), Sammlung Hans Werner Henze, Abteilung: Korrespondenz
    Shelf mark: Barnet, Miguel

    Physical Description

    • Document type: Postal/view card
    • Material

    • Dickes Papier
    • Postkarte mit rotem Eindruck im oberen Textseitenbereich; “ABHИA”, daneben Briefmarkenartiges Gebilde mit 4 Kon-Wert und 1966 als Jahr, darüber Hammer und Sichel, links dasselbe im Ährenkranz darunter “ЛoЧTA CCCP”; links 4 Zeilen eingedruckt, beginnt: “MOCKBa. ПaMЯTHИK. A. C. Пу́шкин”.
      Karte stammt laut Eindruck von 1978; weitere russische Eindrucke hier ausgespart; Briefmarke mit Raumsonde von 1968 im Wert von 10 K unten links aufgeklebt;
    • Extent

    • 1 folio
    • 1 written page
    • Dimensions: 104x145 [mm] (HxW)
    • Layout

    • Vorderseite: Figur auf dem Sockel vor einem Gebäude muss aus der Rückseitenbedruckung hervorgehen; das dahinter sichtbare Moskauer Gebäude hat ebenfalls eine Beschriftung; zum Foto ist ein Fotograf angegeben.
    • Rückseite: Standardstruktur einer Postkarte. Um 90° gedreht beschrieben

Writing styles

Text Constitution

  • "… 31·578-19 Москва X – 49"Postmark only partially decipherable.
  • "last"uncertain transcription
  • "… abroad. This time URSS ."An acute accent seems to have been written on the letter “R”.
  • "… for music and lirycs ."It looks like Barnet first wrote “lirics” and then amended it to “lirycs”, but it could also be the other way around: “lirycs” to “lirics”


  • [Stamp (round)]
    [Figure: ]
    31·578-19Москва X – 49
    For more information see apparatus
  • [Figure Description]There is a star in the center of the stamp.
  • "… 31 May 1978"The postcard was send on 31 May 1978, because the stamp bears this date. The subsequent number on the stamp “19” refers to the time.
  • "… abroad. This time URSS ."Barnet was in Europe from at least May to July 1978. He mentions his trip to Russia and Estland in his letter on 3 January 1979.
  • "… want to bring Cimarrón ."It has yet to be ascertained whether El Cimarrón was performed in Russia.
  • "lirycs"recte "lyrics".
  • "… for music and lirycs ."A letter from Grushko to Henze has yet to be located.
  • [Figure: ]

    For more information see apparatus
  • [Figure Description]Image of a rocket heading to the Moon, on an orange background. “1968” is written in the top left, “CCCP” in the bottom right.
  • [Figure Description]Photo of the Alexander Puschkin momument in Moscow.


        If you've spotted some error or inaccuracy please do not hesitate to inform us via henze-digital [@]