Puškin, Aleksandr Sergeevič


Basic data

  1. May 26, 1799 in Moskau
  2. February 10, 1837 in Sankt Petersburg
  3. Schriftsteller


Portrait by Orest Kiprensky, 1827 (Source: Wikimedia)
Coat of Arms of the Pushkin family (Source: Wikimedia)
Pushkin's father, Major S. L. Pushkin (Source: Wikimedia)
Pushkin's mother, Nadezhda Gannibal (Source: Wikimedia)
Pushkin recites his poem before Gavrila Derzhavin during an exam in the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum on 8 January 1815. Painting by Ilya Repin (1911) (Source: Wikimedia)
Pushkin's married lover Anna Petrovna Kern, for whom he probably wrote the most famous love poem in Russian (Source: Wikimedia)
Natalia Pushkina, portrait by Alexander Brullov, 1831. (Source: Wikimedia)
Georges d'Anthès (Source: Wikimedia)
His widow Natalia Goncharova, 1849 (Source: Wikimedia)
Pushkin's ancestry (Source: Wikimedia)
Natalia Alexandrovna Pushkina, Countess of Merenberg (Source: Wikimedia)
1999 stamp of Moldova showing Pushkin and Constantin Stamati (Source: Wikimedia)
Pushkin Museum, Bolshiye Vyazyomy in Golitsyno, Moskovskaya oblast, which Pushkin visited several times in his youth (Source: Wikimedia)
1999 Russian 1 rouble coin commemorating the 200th anniversary of Pushkin's birth (Source: Wikimedia)

Biographical information from Henze-Digital

No additional biographical data recorded





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