Poem Sexta Sinfonía by Barnet



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Sexta Sinfonía *

Para Hans Werner Henze

El Teatro se desploma en un aludde astillas invisibles. Una a una las columnas van perdiendosu vieja dignidad. El Teatro es ya un buque anclado en sombrasque es dispone a alcanzar su enorme transparencia.Un arco de fuego se desliza en medio del escenariocomo en un delicado lienzo japonés.Los gorriones revolotean en sus nidos de polvoy los angeles del techo belle epoque escapan horrorizadosal contrapunto y las flautas. Una melodía ya familiar invadelos nuevos pabellones –un ruido de tambores bajo el agua–La sombra que se proyecta en el angulo derechoes profundísima y atraviesa los metales y las maderasy los vientos.Alguien vive por nosotros, alguien no ajeno, canta paranuestros oídos, acaso inaugurando un tiempo que no alcanzamosa ver, a palpar. La orquesta se detiene a un ritmo de sílabascortantes. Los metales retoman su médula de agua, sus cortezaspulidas, sus hojas magnéticas.La orquesta vuela hecha pedazos. Más allá del primer balcón,de las ondulaciones de la platea, del zodíaco, se escucha esta música que no se parece a ninguna otra sobre la tierra.La orquesta se detiene finalmente.Unos aplauden con manos frágiles y dudas. A la salida agarranun fuerte resfriado. Otros permenecen silenciosos y no se muevende sus sillas y no hacen ruidos extraños y no aplaudeny no saludan al director y no inventan fábulas elogiosassino que se quedan allí.Para siempre.Miguel Barnet
Generalvermerk: The first part of the poem up to the word "flutes" was translated by Hans Werner Henze in his Autobiography, p. 292; the second part by Yolanda Acker.

Sexta Sinfonía

For Hans Werner Henze

The theatre collapses in a cloud of invisible shards. One by one, the columns lose their ancient dignity. Already the theatre’s a vessel that is anchored in the shade and that slowly assumes its tremendous transparency. A rainbow of fire glides centre-stage as if on a delicate Japanese canvas. The sparrows flutter in their nests of dust, and the angels on the belle epoque ceiling flee in horror from the counterpoint and flutes. An already familiar melody invades the new pavilions –a noise of drums underwater–The shadow cast in the right corner is very deep and pierces through the brass and the woodwinds and the winds. Someone lives for us, someone not unknown to us, sings for our ears, perhaps ushering in a time we can’t see or feel. The orchestra comes to a halt in a rhythm of cutting syllables. The brass return to their watery pith, polished bark, magnetic leaves. The orchestra flies in pieces. Beyond the first balcony, the undulations of the stalls, the zodiac, one hears this music that is not like any other on earth. The orchestra finally stops. Some applaud with fragile hands and hesitation. On the way out they catch a heavy cold. Others remain silent, not moving from their seats, without making strange noises or applauding, not saluting the conductor or inventing favourable tales but they remain there. Forever.Miguel Barnet

Übersetzung von Hans Werner Henze/Yolanda Acker




Herausgegeben von
Elena Minetti
Elena Minetti
Hans Werner Henze; Yolanda Acker


  • Textzeuge: Basel (Schweiz), Paul Sacher Stiftung, Sammlung Hans Werner Henze, Abteilung: Korrespondenz
    Signatur: Barnet, Miguel


    • Dokumenttyp: Dokument
    • Material

    • Dickes Papier, einseitig im 1,5-Abstand beschrieben; Unterschrift in schon verblasstem blauen Kugelschreiber; Viertelfaltung: 1xmal längs, 1mal quer
    • Umfang

    • 1 Blatt
    • 1 beschriebene Seite
    • Abmessungen: 218x195 [mm] (HxB)
    • Zustand

    • oben links Spuren einer verrosteten Heftklammer; im rechten oberen Bereich mit Bleistift "2 x"
    • Layout

    • 2,5zeilig beschrieben; linker Rand 3,8cm


  • 1.
    Maschinenschrift, Barnet, Miguel.
  • 2.
    Handschrift, Kugelschreiber (blau).
  • 3.
    Handschrift, schwarz.


  • "e""4" ersetzt durch "e"
  • "o""d" ersetzt durch "o"
  • "e""?" ersetzt durch "e"
  • "i""u" ersetzt durch "i"
  • "e""4" ersetzt durch "e"
  • "x""d" ersetzt durch "x"


  • "… Sexta Sinfonía"Barnet wrote this poem about Henze’s Sixth Symphony, which was first performed in Havana on 26 November 1969 by the Cuban National Orchestra conducted by Henze. This poem was written shortly before 27 January 1970, since on this date Henze transcribes the beginning of the poem (up to the word "flautas") in his Cuban diary, later published in his Autobiography, p. 291. It is likely that Barnet enclosed this poem in a letter replying to Henze’s letter of 17 April 1972, in which Henze wrote that he was in London to record his Sixth Symphony.


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