Brief von M. Barnet an H. W. Henze, frühestens am 21. September 1979



Zeige Markierungen im Text

[After 21 September 1979] * Querido Hans:

Te vuelvo a escribir. Siempre te escribo. Nunca ho dejado
de hacerlo. Quiero que definitivamente vengas es Enero.*
Hablé con Rogelio, Todo bien. Te esperamos. Como ves mi
carta es un SOS porque un amigo se va en una hora y te
escribo en las puertas del aeropuerto.* Sabrás que hablé
con Harold Gramatges. Quiero que sepas que he was very
happy to have heard from you and he is going to do his
best to manage an invitation for you.*
Te sugiero que
lo es cribas una letra expresándole tu interés en venir
en Enero.* He is very near to us, and I am sure he likes
you and admires your[sic] profoundly.

Es posible que yo vuelva a USA a dar conferencias, como
cuando fuí en Majo. De allá te escribí una postal, creo
que fue desde Washington.* Si no tienes la dirección de
Harold le escribes a la UNEAC Calle 17 No. 351 esp. a H.
El Vedado.

De todos modos, recibe etse mensaje con el mismo cariño
de siempre y felicidades por tu Orfeo que I heard was a
tremendous success.*
Si puedes consigue para mí los affiches
del Cimarrón que se presentó en el Warsaw Autumm[sic] Festival
en Septiembre 21,* Marckoswsky me invitó per[o] era muy tarde
y los polacos no tenía en su presupuesto el nombre mío.
Que dolor! Aún no he podido escuchar El Cimarrón en vivo.*
Algún día ese sueño se convertirá en realidad.*

Te saludo y te abrazo con la amistad de siempre y la es pe-
ranza de vernos muy pronto. Un big hug a Fausto.

Bring me a good record of your music.*
Miguel Barnet

Union de Escritores y artistas de Cuba
[Calle] 17 No. 351 esq. a H, Vedado, Ciudad de La Habana
[After 21 September 1979] Dear Hans:

I am writing to you again. I always write to you. I have never stopped. I want you to definitely come in January. I spoke to Rogelio. Everything is fine. We await you. As you can see, my letter is an SOS because a friend is leaving in an hour, and I am writing to you at the airport gates. You will be aware that I spoke to Harold Gramatges. I want you to know that he was very happy to have heard from you and he is going to do his best to manage an invitation for you. I suggest you write him a letter expressing your interest in coming in January. He is very near to us, and I am sure he like[sic] you and admires your[sic] profoundly.

I may be going back to the USA to give lectures, like when I went in May. I sent you a postcard from there, I think it was from Washington. If you don’t have Harold’s address, write to him at UNEAC Calle 17 No. 351 esp. a H. El Vedado.

Anyway, please receive this message with the same affection as always and congratulations on your Orpheus, which I heard was a tremendous success. If you can, get me the posters from Cimarrón, which was presented at the Warsaw Autumn Festival on September 21. Marckoswsky invited me but it was very late and the Poles didn’t have my name in their budget. What a shame! I still haven’t been able to hear El Cimarrón live. Some day that dream will come true.

Sending you greetings and best wishes with the same friendship as always and I hope we will see each other very soon. A big hug to Fausto.

Bring me a good record of your music.
Miguel Barnet

Union de Escritores y artistas de Cuba
[Calle] 17 No. 351 esq. a H, Vedado, Ciudad de La Habana

Übersetzung von Yolanda Acker



Herausgegeben von
Elena Minetti
Elena Minetti; Joachim Veit
Yolanda Acker


  • Textzeuge: Basel (Schweiz), Paul Sacher Stiftung (CH-Bps), Sammlung Hans Werner Henze, Abteilung: Korrespondenz
    Signatur: Barnet, Miguel


    • Dokumenttyp: Brief
    • Material

    • Helleres Papier mittlerer Stärke
    • Faltung: 2mal unregelmäßig: 1mal mittig, dann 8cm von oben
    • Umfang

    • 1 Blatt
    • 1 beschriebene Seite
    • Abmessungen: 330x215 [mm] (HxB)
    • Layout

    • Vorgedruckte Seite der UNION REVISTA DE LA UNION DE ESCRITORES Y ARTISTAS DE CUBA mit grünem Streifen oben und unten. Barnet schreibt in der Mitte der Seite zwischen diesen beiden Streifen, leicht nach rechts verschoben.
    • Linker Rand bis zur Grußformel: 3,7cm, sonst 5,7cm.
    • Rechts Flattersatz, meist noch mit 1 bis 1,5cm zum Rand.
    • In der oberen linken Ecke (unter dem Unionslabel) hat Barnet offensichtlich den Kugelschreiber für die Unterschrift ausprobiert bis er losschrieb.
    • Der grüne Streifen mit Union 1,5cm vom oberen Rand, 2,5cm hoch, der untere auch knapp 1,5cm vom unteren Rand und 1,2cm hoch; bedruckt in Schwarz, das „UNION“ oben in weißen Buchstaben, die schwarz umrandet sind.
    • Zeilenabstand 2zeilig.



  • "your"sic
  • "Autumm"sic
  • "… de siempre y la es"A line draw by hand joins the two letters, which were accidentally separated.
  • Folgend: handschriftlich, Kugelschreiber (schwarz), Barnet, Miguel


  • "… Escritores y Artistas de Cuba"Barnet worked at the "Unione de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba" at this time, which is why he uses its letterhead.
  • "… After 21 September 1979"The mentioned performance of El Cimarrón on 21 September 1979 in Warsaw proves that this letter was written after this date.
  • "Enero"recte "enero".
  • "… definitivamente vengas es Enero ."Here, Barnet refers to the announcement in Henze’s previous letter of the latter’s planned trip to Cuba in January 1980, which however did not eventuate. See also Barnet’s postcard of 26 August 1979.
  • "… en las puertas del aeropuerto."Barnet was at the airport to give his letter to his friend travelling to Europe.
  • "… manage an invitation for you."Gramatges held significant roles in Cuban cultural policy institutions (among others he was a resident of the "Asociación de Músicos de la Unión Nacional de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba" and a member of the Technical Advisory Council of the Minister of Culture) and this is why he could have officially invited Henze.
  • "… en venir en Enero ."Henze’s letter to Gramatges has yet to be located.
  • "Majo"recte "mayo".
  • "… que fue desde Washington ."Barnet’s postcard from Washington has yet to be located.
  • "… heard was a tremendous success."Barnet refers to Henze’s account of the premiere of Orpheus on 17 March 1979 in Stuttgart in his previous letter. Perhaps Barnet could have read the review of the work in The New York Times. See Anna Kisselgoff’s article "Ballet: Modern-Dress ’Orpheus’" published on 27 June 1979 in The New York Times, p. 25.
  • "… Festival en Septiembre 21 ,"The premiere of El Cimarrón at the Warsaw Autumn Festival took place on 22 September 1979, performed by musicians of the Württembergische Staatsoper – Klaus Hirte (baritone), Robert Dohn (flute), Baldur Pollich (guitar), Dai Bowen (percussion) – and conducted by Henze. It cannot be ascertained whether Henze sent Barnet the requested poster.
  • "… escuchar El Cimarrón en vivo."From Barnet’s letter on 9 December 1976 and from a postcard, it seemed that El Cimarrón was planned in Havana in July 1977, but this apparently did not take place.
  • "… sueño se convertirá en realidad."Barnet did not see El Cimarrón performed live until 10 May 1982, when he was in Rostock with Henze.
  • "… good record of your music."Henze did not personally bring a recording to Barnet, but sent it to him, as he often did. See, for example, Henze’s following letter of 8 October 1980.
  • "esq."Abk. von "esquina".


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