Mahler, Gustav


Basic data

  1. July 7, 1860 in Kaliště
  2. May 18, 1911 in Wien
  3. Komponist, Dirigent


Gustav Mahler, photographed in 1907 by Moritz Nähr at the end of his period as director of the Vienna Hofoper (Source: Wikimedia)
Jihlava, the city where Mahler grew up (Source: Wikimedia)
Mahler was influenced by Richard Wagner during his student days, and later became a leading interpreter of Wagner's operas. (Source: Wikimedia)
Mahler's home in Leipzig, where he composed his First Symphony (Source: Wikimedia)
Mahler in 1892 (Source: Wikimedia)
Komponierhäuschen (German for 'composition hut') in Steinbach am Attersee, where Mahler composed in the summer from 1893 (Source: Wikimedia)
Hans von Bülow, an admirer of Mahler's conducting (Source: Wikimedia)
Vienna Hofoper (now Staatsoper), pictured in 1898 during Mahler's conductorship (Source: Wikimedia)
Mahler's conducting style, 1901, caricatured in the humour magazine Fliegende Blätter (Source: Wikimedia)
Plaque on Mahler's Vienna apartment, 2 Auenbruggergasse: "Gustav Mahler lived and composed in this house from 1898 to 1909" (Source: Wikimedia)
Silhouette by Otto Böhler (Source: Wikimedia)
Mahler's second composing hut, at Maiernigg (near Klagenfurt), on the shores of the Wörthersee in Carinthia (Source: Wikimedia)
Alma Schindler, who married Mahler in 1902 (from 1902, possibly earlier) (Source: Wikimedia)
1902 portrait by Emil Orlík (Source: Wikimedia)
Metropolitan Opera House (39th Street) in New York, at around the time of Mahler's conductorship (1908–09) (Source: Wikimedia)
Bronze bust of Mahler by Auguste Rodin, 1909 (Source: Wikimedia)
Mahler's grave in the Grinzing cemetery, Vienna (Source: Wikimedia)
Opening of Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen, published 1897 in a version for voice and piano (Source: Wikimedia)
A satirical comment on Mahler's Sixth Symphony. The caption translates: "My God, I've forgotten the motor horn! Now I shall have to write another symphony." (Source: Wikimedia)
Schoenberg painted Mahler's portrait in 1910. (Source: Wikimedia)

Biographical information from Henze-Digital

No additional biographical data recorded





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