Bach, Johann Sebastian


Basic data

  1. March 31, 1685 in Eisenach
  2. July 28, 1750 in Leipzig
  3. Komponist


1748 portrait of Bach, showing him holding a copy of the six-part canon BWV 1076.[1] (Source: Wikimedia)
Johann Ambrosius Bach, 1685, Bach's father. Painting attributed to Johann David Herlicius [de] (Source: Wikimedia)
The Wender organ Bach played in Arnstadt (Source: Wikimedia)
Organ of the St. Paul's Church in Leipzig, tested by Bach in 1717 (Source: Wikimedia)
Bach's autograph of the first movement of the first sonata for solo violin, BWV 1001 (Source: Wikimedia)
St. Thomas Church and School, Leipzig in 1723 (Source: Wikimedia)
Café Zimmermann, c. 1720 (Source: Wikimedia)
Bach's seal (centre), used throughout his Leipzig years. It contains the superimposed letters J S B in a mirror image topped with a crown. The flanking letters illustrate the arrangement on the seal. (Source: Wikimedia)
A handwritten note by Bach in his copy of the Calov Bible. The note next to 2 Chronicles 5:13 reads: "NB Bey einer andächtigen Musiq ist allezeit Gott mit seiner Gnaden Gegenwart" (N(ota) B(ene) In a music of worship God is always present with his grace). (Source: Wikimedia)
"O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden": the four-part chorale setting as included in the St. Matthew Passion (Source: Wikimedia)
Bach's guide on ornaments as contained in the Klavierbüchlein für Wilhelm Friedemann Bach (Source: Wikimedia)
Aria of the Goldberg Variations, showing Bach's use of ornaments (Source: Wikimedia)
Bach's autograph of the recitative with the gospel text of Christ's death from St Matthew Passion (Matthew 27:45–47a) (Source: Wikimedia)
The Art of Fugue (title page) – performed by Mehmet Okonsar on organ and harpsichord Nos. 1–12 Nos. 13–20 (Source: Wikimedia)
The church in Arnstadt where Bach had been the organist from 1703 to 1707. In 1935, the church was renamed "Bachkirche". (Source: Wikimedia)
Painting of Johann Sebastian Bach by 'Gebel', before 1798 (Source: Wikimedia)
Image of the Bach memorial [de] erected by Felix Mendelssohn in Leipzig in 1843 (Source: Wikimedia)
1908 Statue of Bach in front of the Thomaskirche in Leipzig (Source: Wikimedia)
28 July 1950: memorial service for Bach in Leipzig's Thomaskirche, on the 200th anniversary of the composer's death (Source: Wikimedia)
Bildnis des Seb. Bach, Ernst Ludwig Riepenhausen (zugeschrieben) - 1801/1840 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des Johann Sebastian Bach, Edwin Bormann - 1894 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des Seb. Bach, Ernst Ludwig Riepenhausen - 1777/1840 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des Joh. Seb. Bach, 1801/1850 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des Joh. Seb. Bach, Sichling, Lazarus Gottlieb - 1827/1863 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des Johann Sebastian Bach, 1862/1866 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des Joh. Seb. Bach, unbekannter Künstler - 1821/1860 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des Seb. Bach, Ernst Ludwig Riepenhausen - 1777/1840 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des Joh. Sebastian Bach, unbekannter Künstler - 1751/1800 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des Ioh. Sebastian Bach, Bollinger, Friedrich Wilhelm - 1792/1825 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)

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