Stalin, Josef


Basic data

  1. December 18, 1878 in Gori (Šida K̕art̕li)
  2. March 5, 1953 in Kunzewo (Moskau)
  3. Politiker


Stalin at the Tehran Conference, 1943 (Source: Wikimedia)
Stalin in 1893 (Source: Wikimedia)
Stalin in 1917 as a young People's Commissar (Source: Wikimedia)
The Moscow Kremlin (Source: Wikimedia)
Stalin in 1920 (Source: Wikimedia)
Stalin wearing an Order of the Red Banner in 1921 (Source: Wikimedia)
(From left to right) Stalin, Alexei Rykov, Lev Kamenev, and Grigori Zinoviev in 1925. The latter three later all fell out with Stalin and were executed during the Great Purge (Source: Wikimedia)
Stalin and his close associates Anastas Mikoyan and Sergo Ordzhonikidze in Tbilisi, 1925 (Source: Wikimedia)
Aleksei Grigorievich Stakhanov with a fellow miner; Stalin's government initiated the Stakhanovite movement to encourage hard work[148] (Source: Wikimedia)
1931 demolition of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow in order to make way for the planned Palace of the Soviets (Source: Wikimedia)
Soviet famine of 1930–33 (Source: Wikimedia)
Review of Soviet armoured fighting vehicles used to equip the Republican People's Army during the Spanish Civil War (Source: Wikimedia)
Exhumed mass grave of the Vinnitsia massacre (Source: Wikimedia)
Victims of Stalin's Great Terror in the Bykivnia mass graves (Source: Wikimedia)
Stalin receives flowers from Engelsina Markizova, in 1936.[249]The girl's father was later executed in the Great Purge. (Source: Wikimedia)
Stalin greeting the German foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop in the Kremlin, 1939 (Source: Wikimedia)
With all the men at the front, women dig anti-tank trenches around Moscow in 1941 (Source: Wikimedia)
The centre of Stalingrad after liberation, 2 February 1943 (Source: Wikimedia)
The Big Three: Stalin, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill at the Tehran Conference, November 1943 (Source: Wikimedia)
Soviet soldiers in Polotsk, 4 July 1944 (Source: Wikimedia)
British Prime Minister Clement Attlee, U.S. President Harry S. Truman and Joseph Stalin at the Potsdam Conference, July 1945 (Source: Wikimedia)
Banner of Stalin in Budapest in 1949 (Source: Wikimedia)
Joseph Stalin at his 71st birthday celebration with (left to right) Mao Zedong, Nikolai Bulganin, Walter Ulbricht and Yumjaagiin Tsedenbal (Source: Wikimedia)
The Eastern Bloc until 1989 (Source: Wikimedia)
1950 Chinese stamp depicting Stalin and Mao shaking hands, commemorating the signing of the new Sino-Soviet Treaty (Source: Wikimedia)
20 January 1953. Soviet ukaz awarding Lydia Timashuk the Order of Lenin for "unmasking doctors-killers". Revoked after Stalin's death later that year. (Source: Wikimedia)
Stalin's casket on howitzer carriage drawn by horses (Source: Wikimedia)
A mourning parade in honour of Stalin in Dresden, East Germany (Source: Wikimedia)
A statue of Stalin in Grūtas Park near Druskininkai, Lithuania (Source: Wikimedia)
Lavrentiy Beria with Stalin's daughter, Svetlana, on his lap and Stalin with Nestor Lakoba seated in the background smoking a pipe. The photo was taken at Stalin's dacha near Sochi in the mid-1930s. (Source: Wikimedia)

Biographical information from Henze-Digital

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