Postal/view card from M. Barnet to H. W. Henze, between 2 and July 31, 1976



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[Not before 2 July 1976, not after July 1976] *

I was really happy
to hear again from you and
your plans.* Horace Ové 5a Greencraft Gardens
London N.W. 6
, from
England will film Cimarrón.* Has
he written to you? I gave him your
address and hope he’ll ask for your
colaboration = music, of course.

He is now in Trinidad and will
soon reach London again. Congratula-
again for your 50th birth.* I
have read some comments on th pa-
pers. Also on your new opera We
come to the river
. The big and fluent
river of your heart. Forget the silly
people who will never reach your
dimensions. * Friends are always just
a few. among them you can always
count of me. I am expecting to
see you in Cuba for Cimarrón
in July.*

Miguel Barnet

Tajeta Postal

Hans Werner Henze
Via la Leprara 0047

[Figure: ]



Elena Minetti
Elena Minetti; Joachim Veit


  • Text Source: Basel (Schweiz), Paul Sacher Stiftung (CH-Bps), Sammlung Hans Werner Henze, Abteilung: Korrespondenz
    Shelf mark: Barnet, Miguel

    Physical Description

    • Document type: Postal/view card
    • Material

    • dünneres Postkartenpapier, weißgrundig.
    • Es wurde keine Briefmarke auf das grau-grünliche Sonnensymbol aufgeklebt, auf das die Marke aufgeklebt werden soll
    • Extent

    • 1 folio
    • 1 written page
    • Dimensions: 105x140 [mm] (HxW)
    • Layout

    • Standardstruktur einer Postkarte. Text auf der linken Seite sehr eng und sehr klein geschrieben; in der gleichen Richtung wie die Adresszeilen.
    • Die beiden Teile auf der Vorderseite der Postkarte werden durch einen vertikal in der Mitte geschriebenen Satz (“CUBA ALEGRE COMO SU SOL CUBA ALEGRE COMO SU SOL”) getrennt, anstatt durch eine Trennlinie.

Writing styles

Text Constitution

  • "… and your plans. Horace Ové"An arrow links the name “Horace Ové” to his address in London, which Barnet wrote in the top right-hand corner, next to the place for the stamp.
  • "5a Greencraft Gardens … N.W. 6328-7340 London"added in the top margin
  • ""deleted by overwriting
  • "… will never reach your dimensions."Something different was originally written and then the word “dimensions”, over it, but the original text is no longer legible.
  • "Galéon secolo XVI"uncertain transcription
  • "… 16th century Галеон. 16-ый век"The caption on the picture of the postcard is written in three different languages. The first of the three is almost illegible, as Barnet has written over it, it is probably Spanish.


  • "… 1976, not after July 1976"Barnet congratulating Henze on his 50th birthday suggests that this postcard was written after 1 July 1976. In addition, Barnet writes that he read reviews on We come to the river and probably an article published on July 25. It is therefore assumed that this postcard was written in July 1976.
  • "… from you and your plans."The previous letter in which Henze tells Barnet of his plans has not yet to be located.
  • "… England will film Cimarrón ."A film by Ové about El Cimarrón does not seem to have realised. Michelangelo Antonioni also wanted to develop a project based on this work. See Barnet’s letter to Henze on 21 July 1970.
  • "colaboration"recte "collaboration".
  • "Congratula tion"recte "Congratulations".
  • "… again for your 50th birth."Henze’s 50th birthday was on 1 July 1976.
  • "on"recte "in".
  • "th"recte "the".
  • "… will never reach your dimensions."Among the various articles Barnet might have read may have been the rather negative one by John Rockwell, entitled “Henze’s First Opera in a Decade Seen in London” in the New York Times on 25 July 1976, p. 58. Here, Barnet seems to be defending Henze from Rockwell’s criticism that his music was not compelling enough.
  • "of"recte "on".
  • "… for Cimarrón in July ."Henze never returned to Cuba after 1970. A performance of El Cimarrón in Cuba was planned on July 1977 (see Barnet’s later letter), however, it probably never took place because years later Barnet still complains in a letter to Henze that he was not able to see a live performance of the work.
  • [Figure Description]Picture of a 16th-century galleon, moved by the wind, surrounded by flying seagulls.


        If you've spotted some error or inaccuracy please do not hesitate to inform us via henze-digital [@]