Letter from W. H. Auden to H. W. Henze, June 10, 1967


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June 10 th[1967]* year?
Dearest Hans:

Have just heard, via William and Peter H
that you are not well.* If you can, do
drop me a line to say exactly how you
are, or I shall worry.

You’ve probably read about the Wiener Festwochen
being devoted to all Donauraum composers.*
Chester goes as guest of them. I have also been
to Haydn. Orpheus and Eurydice*. Hell.
Janacek. Die Sache Makrópólos*. Hell.
SmetanaDalibor *. Marvellous!

Have you heard about the lady who
wrote to a B.B.C. record programme asking
them to play her favorite piece Christian
and his soldiers. After much correspondence
and research, they discovered that she meant
Tristan und Isolde.

much love and prayers for your recovering



Elena Minetti
Elena Minetti; Joachim Veit


  • Text Source: Basel (Schweiz), Paul Sacher Stiftung (CH-Bps), Sammlung Hans Werner Henze, Abteilung: Korrespondenz
    Shelf mark: Auden, Wystan Hugh

    Physical Description

    • Document type: Letter
    • Material

    • Briefpapier_Auden_Kirchstetten
    • Wasserzeichen: “Myrtle Mill” mit dem Wappen der Papierindustrie und dem Namen Myrtle Mill.
    • Extent

    • 1 folio
    • 1 written page
    • Dimensions: 295x210 [mm] (HxW)
    • Condition

    • Gelocht
    • Layout

    • Rand: 5 cm
    • Eingerückte Absätze

Writing styles

Text Constitution

  • "year?"added below, handwritten, pencil, Henze, Hans Werner
  • "devoted"uncertain transcription
  • "all"uncertain transcription
  • " as ""to" (uncertain transcription) overwritten with " as "
  • to
  • "as"uncertain transcription
  • "guest"uncertain transcription
  • "also"uncertain transcription
  • "about"uncertain transcription


  • "N.-Ö."abbreviation of "Niederösterreich".
  • "… June 10 th 1967"The date can be verified by the fact that Auden mentions the Wiener Festwochen 1967, which lasted from 20 May to 18 June.
  • "… that you are not well."It is not certain what Auden is referring to here, however, Henze had major health problems in early 1967 due to hypertension. Even his doctor, as he recounts in his Autobiography, pp. 225-226, forbade him to conduct.
  • "… devoted to all Donauraum composers."The title of the 1967 Wiener Festwochen was indeed “Nachbarn an der Donau” (See the program of the Wiener Festwochen (Vienna Festival) 1967). In his Autobiography, p. 227, Henze writes that he drove with Fausto to attend the Vienna Festival and visit Auden.
  • "… Orpheus and Eurydice"This opera was performed at the Theater an der Wien on 21 May 1967.
  • "… Die Sache Makrópólos"This opera was performed at the Volksoper on 31 May 1967.
  • "… . Hell. Smetana – Dalibor"This opera was performed at the Volksoper on 1 June 1967.



        By courtesy of the Estate of W. H. Auden.

        Legal notice

        Copyright by the Estate of W. H. Auden.

        If you've spotted some error or inaccuracy please do not hesitate to inform us via henze-digital [@] zenmem.de.