Brief von H. W. Henze an G. Weil, 22. Juni 1956



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Cara buzzetta
[Abbildung: ]

in order to make things clear, and as buzzetto is arrabbiato
con me
: all those things went by phone, and my inter-
ference was more than limited: When Ebert had said he
couldn’t do the production himself* I was glad to prospone my
friend Visconti, who is very important for my life. But while I
tried to get hold of him, one went on in Berlin. Only when
Ebert had left they called me again telling me about Steckel.
I did protest wildly, but it was too late, and Gutheim told me
at the phone if I wanted the opera done I ought to stop
protesting at once. I got very sour but had to give in. Nobody
had told me that Butzi was called to Berlin. When I learnt it,
I had already contacted Luchino, to whom if he would have
accepted, a negative answer after such a storm of calls would
have been a stronger offense than that one Butzi got, and he
sure didn’t get it from me. This I want to make clear.

As you see by my handwriting* I’m much better. Lots of work is
waiting for me, and no holiday this year. I’m dreaming of
Spain and next winter I shall take Spanish lessons. I envy you
both you can go there. The idea I gotta go to Berlin in August
is more than horrifying.* Especially as my life here is very nice
and calm. A big hug and kisses to you and buzzetto your


Gentilissima Signora
Grete Jockisch–Weil
Ostendstrasse 1



  • Textzeuge: Stadtbibliothek München (D-Mst), Monacensia
    Signatur: GW 31


    • Dokumenttyp: Brief
    • Material

    • Aerogramm (mit perforierter Kante zum Aufreissen)
    • Faltung: 1mal quer
    • Umfang

    • 2 Blätter
    • 2 beschriebene Seiten
    • Abmessungen: 162x150 [mm] (HxB)
    • Zustand

    • unten außen Stempelspuren
    • Layout

    • Briefmarke: blau, Poste Republica Italiana, 60 Lire



  • "o""h" überschrieben mit "o"
  • "gotta"unsichere Lesung


  • [Abbildungsbeschreibung]Strichzeichnung eines Vulkans.
  • arrabbiatocon me
    • wütend auf mich
  • "… couldn't do the production himself"Henze spricht hier die Vorbereitungen der Uraufführung von König Hirsch an, die „fragmentarisch“ am 23. September 1956 während der Berliner Festwochen stattfand. Regie führte Leonard Steckel, das Bühnenbild fertigte Jean-Pierre Ponnelle.
  • "prospone"recte "propose".
  • "… you see by my handwriting"Die Handschrift im vorangehenden Brief war noch sehr viel „krakeliger“.
  • "… August is more than horrifying."Im August 1956 begannen die Proben zur Uraufführung von König Hirsch in Berlin.
  • italienische Standardbriefmarke 60 Lire
    Für weitere Informationen siehe den Apparat
  • [Rundstempel]Rundstempel: Napoli Ferrovia Corrisp., innen das Datum: 17–18 | 22 – VI | 1956
    Für weitere Informationen siehe den Apparat



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