Brief von C. Kallman an H. W. Henze, 18. Oktober 1960



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Kirchstetten --October 18
1959 (?)
60 ?
[1960] *

Hansiest (of Haydn, Handel & Henze)--

Enclosed a few additions and corrections, mostly self-explanatory.*
The four lines for Elizabeth explaining her attraction for Mitty
have been restored because without them it looks as though she
were clinging to Mitty because she felt sorry for him, which is
what one would think after her scene with him if no other comment
or consideration were made at this point.* And since we discover
at the end that she doesn’t really love Toni *, to leave out these
lines would make her appear a light-headed girl who has never
loved in any way, not even sexually; and this makes her a rather
shallow heroine. I’m sure you’ll agree. Also, this wound to Toni’s
sexual pride is necessary to make the scene that follows comprehensible.
Anyway, it’s only four more lines, climactic at that, and you should
have no trouble setting them. The other additions are spoken.

That’s all for now. Afe tr[sic] Saturday we can be reached by writing

Professor W.H. Auden
Christ Church

Much love



Herausgegeben von
Elena Minetti
Elena Minetti; Irmlind Capelle


  • Textzeuge: Basel (Schweiz), Paul Sacher Stiftung (CH-Bps), Sammlung Hans Werner Henze, Abteilung: Korrespondenz
    Signatur: Kallman, Chester


    • Dokumenttyp: Brief
    • Material

    • dünnes, helles Papier
    • Faltung: 3mal quer
    • Umfang

    • 1 Blatt
    • 1 beschriebene Seite
    • Abmessungen: 297x210 [mm] (HxB)
    • Zustand

    • Gelocht.
    • Layout

    • Zeilenabstand: 1zeilig
    • Absatz nicht eingerückt. Leerzeilen nach jedem Absatz
    • Rand links: 4,6 mm



  • " 1959 (?) 60 ?"unter der Zeile hinzugefügt, handschriftlich, Bleistift, vermutlich durch Henze, Hans Werner
  • "c""x" ersetzt durch "c"
  • "k""e" ersetzt durch "k"
  • "Afe tr"sic
  • "… all for now. Afe tr"A handwritten line in blue pen indicates that the two letters "e" and "t" should be reversed when reading.
  • "da""ad" ersetzt durch "da"
  • Folgend: handschriftlich, Kugelschreiber (blau), Kallman, Chester


  • "… 1959 (?) 60 ? 1960"It is not plausible that this letter was written in 1959 since work on the libretto of Elegy of Young Lovers (that Kallman refers to in this letter) had only begun in that Summer. Instead, it is much more conceivable that Kallman sent the corrections and additions together with the letter in October 1960 at a time when the three authors frequently exchanged suggestions on the composition of the music and the libretto.
  • "… additions and corrections, mostly self-explanatory."The enclosures mentioned here have not been preserved with the letter. These may, however, be located among the documents kept at the Paul Sacher Foundation.
  • "… were made at this point."It is unclear which four lines Kallman is referring to in this sentence. However, from the duet between Elizabeth and Mittenhofer in Act II, Scene V (Personal Questions) and from what Elizabeth tells Toni afterwards in Act II, Scene VII (What must be told), it emerges that she was indeed the poet’s lover and in love with him. For example, Elizabeth sings: "Was I myself when I dreamed / Of becoming his mistress?" […] "The dream came true, didn’t it, / Like in the fairy tales. The goose-girl / Won her Prince. She was supposed / To live happily ever after. / But something happened." […] "Toni, dear, please listen. / I don’t think I can leave him."
  • "… she doesn't really love Toni"Elizabeth’s doubts about her love for Toni emerge in Act II, Scene VII (What must be told) when Toni states: "We love each other" and she answers "Do we? / I know I loved my father. Then I thought / I loved your Godfather, then … […] Perhaps not. Perhaps I never was."



        By courtesy of the Estate of Chester Kallman.


        Copyright by the Estate of Chester Kallman.

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