Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD)


Basic data

  1. Group, Political


(Source: Wikimedia)
SPD members in Reichstag 1889. Sitting from left to right: Georg Schumacher, Friedrich Harm, August Bebel, Heinrich Meister and Karl Frohme. Standing: Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Dietz, August Kühn, Wilhelm Liebknecht, Karl Grillenberger, and Paul Singer. (Source: Wikimedia)
A widely publicized SPD election poster from 1932, with the Three Arrows symbol representing resistance against reactionary conservatism, Nazism and Communism, and with the slogan "Against Papen, Hitler, Thälmann" (Source: Wikimedia)
SPD membership statistics (in thousands) since 1945. Despite heavy losses since 1990, the SPD is still the largest party in Germany, ahead of the CDU. (Source: Wikimedia)
Sigmar Gabriel, Vice-Chancellor of Germany (2013–2018) and former chairman of the SPD (Source: Wikimedia)
2021 federal election SPD results (Source: Wikimedia)
Election results and governments since 1949 (Source: Wikimedia)

Historical information from Henze-Digital

No additional biographical data recorded





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