Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft


Basic data

  1. Company


(Source: Wikimedia)
(Source: Wikimedia)
Share of the Deutsche Bank, issued 2 November 1881 (Source: Wikimedia)
Former Deutsche Bank headquarters [de] on Mauerstrasse 25-28 in Berlin, photographed in 1909 (Source: Wikimedia)
The same building in 2010, following partial rebuilding after World War II (Source: Wikimedia)
Another view of Deutsche Bank's former head office complex, corner of Mauerstrasse and Französische Strasse (Source: Wikimedia)
Office building erected 1912 by Deutsche Bank for its branch in Brussels, expropriated following World War I, later head office of Kredietbank[25] (Source: Wikimedia)
Share of the Deutsche Bank und Disconto-Gesellschaft, issued March 1932 (Source: Wikimedia)
Former Disconto-Gesellschaft branch building in Frankfurt on the Roßmarkt [de] (erected 1904), which served as head office of Deutsche Bank's Hesse unit from 1947 to 1952, of Süddeutsche Bank from 1952 to 1957, then of Deutsche Bank itself from 1957 to 1984 (Source: Wikimedia)
Head office of Disconto-Bank, Deutsche Bank's Berlin unit, designed by Paul Schwebes [de]; completed 1951 and photographed in 1952 (Source: Wikimedia)
The same building (Potsdamer Straße 140, after upwards expansion in 1955-1957) in 2012, repurposed as Finanzamt Schöneberg and still hosting a branch of Deutsche Bank (Source: Wikimedia)
Highrise of the Deutsche Bank in Berlin, designed by Friedrich Koch and Günter Hönow [de], 1966-1968 (Source: Wikimedia)
Deutsche Bank, Sydney (Source: Wikimedia)
A Deutsche Bank retail branch in Munich (Source: Wikimedia)

Historical information from Henze-Digital

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