Dietrich, Marlene


Basic data

  1. Dietrich, Marie Magdalene Real Name
  2. December 27, 1901 in Schöneberg
  3. May 6, 1992 in Paris
  4. Schauspielerin, Sängerin


Dietrich in 1951 (Source: Wikimedia)
Marlene Dietrich as Lola: "She straddles a chair...imperiously, magisterially, fully the measurer of men in the audience..."[28] (Source: Wikimedia)
Josef von Sternberg used butterfly lighting to enhance Dietrich's features in Shanghai Express (1932). (Source: Wikimedia)
James Stewart and Marlene Dietrich in Destry Rides Again (1939) (Source: Wikimedia)
Dietrich often performed parts of her show in top hat and tails. Caricature by Hans Georg Pfannmüller showing Dietrich during a cabaret performance in 1954. (Source: Wikimedia)
Dietrich in Jerusalem during a tour in Israel, 1960 (Source: Wikimedia)
Dietrich's gravestone in Berlin. The inscription reads "Hier steh ich an den Marken meiner Tage" (literally: "Here I am standing at the border stones of my days"), a line from the sonnet "Abschied vom Leben" ("Farewell to Life") by Theodor Körner. (Source: Wikimedia)
Dietrich and Robert W. Service on the set of The Spoilers (1942) in which they shared a brief scene (with Service unbilled as a Yukon poet patterned after himself) (Source: Wikimedia)
Dietrich in the Kurhaus of Scheveningen in 1963 (Source: Wikimedia)
Dietrich and Rudolf Sieber on their wedding day, 17 May 1923 (Source: Wikimedia)
Commemorative plaque at the house where she was born in Berlin (Source: Wikimedia)

Biographical information from Henze-Digital

No additional biographical data recorded





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