García Márquez, Gabriel José


Basic data

  1. March 6, 1927 in Aracataca, Kolumbien
  2. April 17, 2014 in Mexiko-Stadt
  3. Schriftsteller, Journalist


García Márquez in 2002 (Source: Wikimedia)
García Márquez billboard in Aracataca: "I feel Latin American from whatever country, but I have never renounced the nostalgia of my homeland: Aracataca, to which I returned one day and discovered that between reality and nostalgia was the raw material for my work".—Gabriel García Márquez (Source: Wikimedia)
Gabriel Garcia Marquez, in 2009 (Source: Wikimedia)
Gabriel García Márquez Cultural Center, in Bogotá, Colombia. (Source: Wikimedia)
Commemorative plaque at the Hotel des Trois Collèges in Paris (France), where García Márquez lived in 1956 (Source: Wikimedia)
García Márquez signing a copy of One Hundred Years of Solitude in Havana, Cuba (Source: Wikimedia)
García Márquez with the Colombian Culture Minister Paula Moreno (left) at the Guadalajara International Film Festival, in Guadalajara, Mexico, in March 2009 (Source: Wikimedia)
"Gabo" wearing a "sombrero vueltiao" hat, typical of the Colombian Caribbean region. Most of the stories by García Márquez revolve around the idiosyncrasy of this region. (Source: Wikimedia)
Gabriel García Márquez (center) with Jorge Amado (to his left) and Adonias Filho (to his right) (Source: Wikimedia)
Gabriel García Márquez House Museum in Aracataca, Colombia. (Source: Wikimedia)

Biographical information from Henze-Digital

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