Lenin, Wladimir Iljitsch


Basic data

  1. April 22, 1870 in Simbirsk
  2. January 21, 1924 in Gorki bei Moskau
  3. Politiker


Lenin in 1920 (Source: Wikimedia)
Lenin's childhood home in Simbirsk (pictured in 2009) (Source: Wikimedia)
Lenin (left) at the age of three with his sister, Olga (Source: Wikimedia)
Lenin c. 1887 (Source: Wikimedia)
Lenin was influenced by the works of Karl Marx. (Source: Wikimedia)
Police mugshot of Vladimir Lenin, 1895 (Source: Wikimedia)
Lenin (seated centre) with other members of the League of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class, 1897 (Source: Wikimedia)
Lenin in 1900 (Source: Wikimedia)
Lenin in 1914 (Source: Wikimedia)
Lenin's travel route from Zurich to St. Petersburg, named Petrograd at the time, in April 1917, including the ride in a so-called "sealed train" through German territory (Source: Wikimedia)
The engine that pulled the train on which Lenin arrived at Petrograd's Finland Station in April 1917 was not preserved. So Engine #293, by which Lenin escaped to Finland and then returned to Russia later in the year, serves as the permanent exhibit, installed at a platform on the station.[130] (Source: Wikimedia)
Painting of Lenin in front of the Smolny Institute by Isaak Brodsky (Source: Wikimedia)
The Moscow Kremlin, which Lenin moved into in 1918 (pictured in 1987) (Source: Wikimedia)
Bolshevik propaganda poster from 1920, with a political cartoon depicting Lenin sweeping away monarchs, clergy, and capitalists. The caption reads "Comrade Lenin Cleanses the Earth of Filth". (Source: Wikimedia)
Signing of the armistice between Russia and Germany on 15 December 1917 (Source: Wikimedia)
Lenin with his wife and sister in a car at a Red Army parade at Khodynka Field in Moscow, May Day 1918 (Source: Wikimedia)
White anti-Bolshevik propaganda poster, depicting Lenin aiding Bolsheviks in sacrificing Russia to a statue of Marx, c. 1918–1919 (Source: Wikimedia)
Bolshevik anti-Polish propaganda poster, 1920 (Source: Wikimedia)
Lenin speaking in Moscow's Red Square on May Day 1919 (Source: Wikimedia)
Lenin in one of the committees of the II Congress of the Comintern (Source: Wikimedia)
Victims of the famine in Buzuluk, Orenburg Oblast, winter 1921/1922 (Source: Wikimedia)
Lenin in a wheelchair shortly after his third stroke in March 1923 (Source: Wikimedia)
Lenin's Gorki mansion, where he spent much of his final years (pictured in 2017) (Source: Wikimedia)
Lenin speaking in 1919 (Source: Wikimedia)
Lenin speaking to a crowd in Moscow's Sverdlov Square with Leon Trotsky and Lev Kamenev beside him, May 1920 (Source: Wikimedia)
Lenin with his cat on a walk, 1922 (Source: Wikimedia)
Lenin's funeral, as painted by Isaac Brodsky, 1925 (Source: Wikimedia)
Lenin statue in Hanoi, Vietnam (Source: Wikimedia)
Statue of Lenin erected by the East German Marxist–Leninist government at Leninplatz in East Berlin (removed in 1992) (Source: Wikimedia)
Lenin's Mausoleum in front of the Kremlin, 2007 (Source: Wikimedia)

Biographical information from Henze-Digital

No additional biographical data recorded





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