Woodward, Roger Robert


Basic data

  1. December 20, 1942 in Sydney
  2. Pianist, Musikpädagoge, Komponist


(Source: Wikimedia)
Woodward and Lina Prokofieva , Warsaw, 1967 (Source: Wikimedia)
From left to right: Bill Colleran (UE London), Morton Feldman and Woodward. World premiere of Piano and Orchestra directed by Hans Zender. Rencontres internationales de musique contemporaine [fr] (Metz Festival), 1975. (Source: Wikimedia)
From left to right: Sviatoslav Richter, Woodward and Norman Lawrence, Black Forest, Germany, 1985 (Source: Wikimedia)
Woodward and Pierre Boulez rehearsing Bartok's First Piano Concerto with the BBC Symphony Orchestra in London in 1972 (Source: Wikimedia)
Woodward with Iannis Xenakis, Lincoln Center NYC for world Premiere of Keqrops performed with Zubin Mehta and the NY Philharmonic Orchestra, 1986. (Source: Wikimedia)
Woodward and Australian prime minister Bob Hawke at a Solidarity meeting, 1984 (Source: Wikimedia)
Tōru Takemitsu and Woodward at the Decca studios in London during their 1973 recording of Corona ("London version") For Away, Piano Distance and Undisturbed Rest (Source: Wikimedia)
Woodward (right) with Patricia Ludgate and sons Elroy and Benjamin, Cazenac 2018 (Source: Wikimedia)

Biographical information from Henze-Digital

No additional biographical data recorded





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