Durruti, Buenaventura


Basic data

  1. July 14, 1896 in Léon
  2. November 20, 1936 in Madrid
  3. Politiker, Anarchist


Durruti in 1936 (Source: Wikimedia)
Durruti (centre-back) with his colleagues at the workshop of Antonio Mijé (Source: Wikimedia)
Durruti (left) during his exile in Occitania (Source: Wikimedia)
King Alfonso XIII, who Durruti and Los Justicieros attempted to assassinate in 1920 (Source: Wikimedia)
CNT leader Salvador Seguí, whose assassination triggered the outbreak of open conflict between anarchists and the pistoleros (Source: Wikimedia)
Durruti after his arrest in Madrid in 1923 (Source: Wikimedia)
Alfonso XIII (left) and Miguel Primo de Rivera (right), the two leading figures of the dictatorship in Spain (Source: Wikimedia)
Durruti (bottom) with other members of Los Errantes in Mexico (Source: Wikimedia)
Durruti (centre), with Francisco Ascaso (left) and Gregorio Jover (right), after their release from prison in 1927 (Source: Wikimedia)

Biographical information from Henze-Digital

No additional biographical data recorded





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