Liebknecht, Karl Paul August Friedrich


Basic data

  1. August 13, 1871 in Leipzig
  2. January 15, 1919 in Berlin
  3. Politiker


Liebknecht in the 1910s (Source: Wikimedia)
Hugo Haase in 1905 (Source: Wikimedia)
Liebknecht c. 1911 (Source: Wikimedia)
Sophie and Karl Liebknecht with the children from his first marriage (Source: Wikimedia)
Liebknecht's official Reichstag portrait, 1912 (Source: Wikimedia)
Rosa Luxemburg (Source: Wikimedia)
Liebknecht speaking at a rally in the Berlin Tiergarten (Source: Wikimedia)
Philipp Scheidemann proclaims the German Republic at the Reichstag hours before Liebknecht's proclamation of the Free Socialist Republic at the Berlin Palace. (Source: Wikimedia)
Friedrich Ebert (Source: Wikimedia)
The placard reads: Workers! Citizens! The fatherland is close to ruin. Save It! It is not threatened from without but from within: the Spartacus Group. Beat their leaders to death! Kill Liebknecht! Then you will have peace, work, and bread. – The soldiers of the front. (Source: Wikimedia)
Waldemar Pabst (Source: Wikimedia)
Burial on 25 January 1919 of Karl Liebknecht and 31 others killed in the Spartacist uprising (Source: Wikimedia)
The cornerstone for the unfinished Liebknecht memorial in Berlin (Source: Wikimedia)

Biographical information from Henze-Digital

No additional biographical data recorded





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