García Lorca, Federico


Basic data

  1. June 5, 1898 in Fuente Vaqueros
  2. June 5, 1936 in Víznar
  3. Schriftsteller


García Lorca in 1932 (Source: Wikimedia)
García Lorca c. 1904 (Source: Wikimedia)
García Lorca with his sister Isabel García Lorca [es] in Granada c. 1914 (Source: Wikimedia)
Federico García Lorca with Salvador Dalí, Turó Park de la Guineueta, Barcelona, 1925 (Source: Wikimedia)
Postcard from Lorca and Dalí to Antonio de Luna, signed "Federico". "Dear Antoñito: In the midst of a delicious ambience of sea, phonographs and cubist paintings I greet you and I hug you. Dalí and I are preparing something that will be 'moll bé.' Something 'moll bonic.' Without realizing it, I have deposited myself in the Catalan. Goodbye Antonio. Say hello to your father. And salute yourself with my finest unalterable friendship. You've seen what they've done with Paquito! (Silence)" Above, penned by Dalí: "Greetings from Salvador Dalí" (Source: Wikimedia)
Lorca as a student at Columbia University, 1929 (Source: Wikimedia)
Bust of Federico García Lorca in Santoña, Cantabria (Source: Wikimedia)
Olive tree marking putative site of Lorca's burial, as it was in 1999 (Source: Wikimedia)
Monument to Federico García Lorca, Madrid (Source: Wikimedia)
The poem De profundis in Leiden, Netherlands, the last of a set of 110 Wall poems in Leiden to be painted (Source: Wikimedia)

Biographical information from Henze-Digital

No additional biographical data recorded





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