Tschichold, Jan


Basic data

  1. Tzischchhold, Johannes Birth Name
  2. April 2, 1902 in Leipzig
  3. August 11, 1974 in Locarno
  4. Kalligraf, Typograf


Jan Tschichold in 1963 (Source: Wikimedia)
Title page for Typographische Gestaltung, written and designed by Jan Tschichold using City Medium and Bodoni. Published in 1932 by the Benno Schwabe & Co. publishing house. (Source: Wikimedia)
The Van de Graaf canon, used in book design to divide a page in pleasing proportions, was popularized by Jan Tschichold in his book The Form of the Book. (Source: Wikimedia)
Depiction of the proportions in a medieval manuscript. According to Jan Tschichold: "Page proportion 2:3. Margin proportions 1:1:2:3. Text area proportioned in the Golden Section."[8] (Source: Wikimedia)
Sabon typeface designed by Tschichold, and released in 1967. One of its earliest uses was by Bradbury Thompson in setting the Washburn College Bible. (Source: Wikimedia)

Biographical information from Henze-Digital

No additional biographical data recorded





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