Ludwig II König von Bayern


Basic data

  1. August 25, 1845 in Schloss Nymphenburg
  2. June 13, 1886 in Starnberger See
  3. König


(Source: Wikimedia)
Crown Prince Ludwig of Bavaria (left) with his parents and his younger brother, Prince Otto, 1860 (Source: Wikimedia)
Crown Prince Ludwig (left) with his mother, Queen Marie and his younger brother Otto, c. 1863. Otto would become King of Bavaria after his older brother's death in 1886, although he would never actively rule due to his mental health problems. (Source: Wikimedia)
Ludwig II just after his accession to the throne of Bavaria in 1864 (Source: Wikimedia)
Ludwig II's coronation portrait, 1865 (Source: Wikimedia)
Ludwig II and his fiancée Duchess Sophie Charlotte in Bavaria in 1867 (Source: Wikimedia)
Bust of Ludwig II in front of Wahnfried, Richard Wagner's villa in Bayreuth, which Ludwig had paid for (Source: Wikimedia)
The coat of arms of King Ludwig over the entrance to Neuschwanstein Castle (Source: Wikimedia)
An 1890s photochrom print of Neuschwanstein Castle (Source: Wikimedia)
Linderhof Palace (Source: Wikimedia)
Herrenchiemsee Island (Source: Wikimedia)
Ludwig II of Bavaria towards the end of his life around 1882 (Source: Wikimedia)
Memorial Cross at the site where the body of Ludwig II was found in Lake Starnberg (Source: Wikimedia)
Participants of the yearly commemoration at the memorial Cross (Source: Wikimedia)
Neuschwanstein Castle (Source: Wikimedia)
Linderhof Palace (Source: Wikimedia)
Herrenchiemsee (Source: Wikimedia)
Ludwig II with Richard Wagner at the piano (Source: Wikimedia)
Coat of arms of King Ludwig II and of the Kingdom of Bavaria (Source: Wikimedia)

Biographical information from Henze-Digital

No additional biographical data recorded





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