Davis, Angela


Basic data

  1. January 26, 1944 in Birmingham, Alabama
  2. Bürgerrechtlerin, Schriftstellerin


Davis in 2014 (Source: Wikimedia)
As a student at the Institute of Social Research at Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. Davis studied the work of philosophers Kant, Hegel, and Adorno (Source: Wikimedia)
Davis (center, without glasses) enters Royce Hall with Kendra Alexander at UCLA for her first lecture, October 1969 (Source: Wikimedia)
Protest against the Vietnam War, 1970 (Source: Wikimedia)
Davis wanted by the FBI on a federal warrant issued August 15, 1970, for unlawful flight to avoid prosecution. (Source: Wikimedia)
Flyer advertising a celebrity fundraiser for Davis's legal defense, featuring Ray Barretto, Jerry Butler, Carmen McRae, Pete Seeger, the Voices of East Harlem, and Ossie Davis (Source: Wikimedia)
1971 poster by Rupert García urging freedom for political prisoners and depicting Angela Davis (Source: Wikimedia)
1974 portrait of Davis by Bernard Gotfryd (Source: Wikimedia)
Davis and Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova, 1972 (Source: Wikimedia)
Davis and Erich Honecker in the GDR, 1972 (Source: Wikimedia)
A Communist Party USA campaign poster featuring Davis, 1976 (Source: Wikimedia)
Davis at the University of Alberta in 2006 (Source: Wikimedia)
Davis in 2019 (Source: Wikimedia)
U2's concert in Soldier Field, Chicago, 2017 (Source: Wikimedia)

Biographical information from Henze-Digital

No additional biographical data recorded





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