„Errata“ for Elegy for Young Lovers



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Synopsis *

p 4. line 36-7. for definite negative negative read definite negative
p 5. l 33. for pale an shaken read pale and shaken

Genesis of a libretto *

p 9. end. for Kallmann read Kallman

Act I

p II, line 8. for Mittenhoer read Mittenhofexxxxxxxxxx Mittenhofer
p II lines 25-9. " In[sic] these new songs he strikes a note of passionate delight
And shows a force no other poet of our time can match"
"Again we recognise in him the Master of us all"....
"The peak of his achievement"...."flawless verse"..."authentic"

(no inverted commas in copy)

p ll. l. 39. for Dont read Don’t
p l2. l l0 for Alvetern read Edelweiss
l 23 for Headache read headache
l 30 for Carolxxxxx Caronia read Carolina
p l3 line 2 for trompets read trumpets
p l7. line 9 for shall read Shall
l 42. dletexxxxx delete underlining of "I know I know"
p I8, linxxx after l 23 for Love too is also lost. read Love too is also lost.
(see preceding stanzas)
p I9, l l5 for Gorgeous read George *
l l7 for Milksop read Rilke *
l 20 for Huff-and-Puff read Hofmannsthal *
l 24 for They went do read They won’t do!
p 2I. l l5 delete VII. Unwordly Weakness
l l7 The stage direction Tolls begin to be heard from the valley
should come after l 20,Death in fact lookexs dazzingly
l 2l For VIII read VII
p 22. l 2l l5 for IX read VIII
p 23 l 3 for X read          IX
p 24 l l for frtaxxxx Forta years read Forty years
l l3 for enterd eradxxxx read entered
l 35 for Hildas read Hilda’s
l 37 for XI read X
p 25 l ll for XII read XI

Act II

p 26. line 29-30 For I dwelt in a world read I dwelt in a world,
Of anonymous shadow,          An anonymous shadow,
p 27 l 36 for No older poets read Not older poets
p 29 l 38 for the ouides all cheat her read the guides all cheat her
p 3I l II for weren’t you,me dear, read weren’t you, my dear,
p 32 l 5 for To bee free for, read To be free for,



It is not certain whether this errata list really belongs to Kallman’s letter on 31 August 1960, which is kept next to it in the Paul Sacher Foundation. The holes of the hole punch do not correspond to any of the three sheets of the letter. The page also ends with a comma, so the possibility that a continuation of this list existed cannot be ruled out. It is also impossible to ascertain who wrote this document, Auden or Kallman. However, double quotation marks are used, which is a characteristic of Auden (Kallman uses single quotation marks).



Herausgegeben von
Elena Minetti
Elena Minetti; Irmlind Capelle


  • Textzeuge: Basel (Schweiz), Paul Sacher Stiftung, Sammlung Hans Werner Henze, Abteilung: Korrespondenz
    Signatur: Kallman, Chester


    • Dokumenttyp: Dokument
    • Material

    • Dickes, helles Papier
    • Wasserzeichen: Leykam Hartpost 1935
    • Faltung: 3mal längs
    • Umfang

    • 1 Blatt
    • 1 beschriebene Seite
    • Abmessungen: 296x210 [mm] (HxB)
    • Zustand

    • Gelocht.
    • Layout

    • Zweite Seite: Typoskript
    • Rand 1,5 cm
    • einzeilig



  • "Mittenhofe"gelöscht durch Überschreibung
  • "s""3" ersetzt durch "s"
  • "-9."in der Zeile hinzugefügt, handschriftlich, Kugelschreiber (blau), Kallman, Chester
  • " In"sic
  • "Carol"gelöscht durch Überschreibung
  • "e""w" ersetzt durch "e"
  • "dlete"gelöscht durch Überschreibung
  • "lin"gelöscht durch Überschreibung
  • "e"gelöscht durch Überschreibung
  • "… Death in fact look e"Deletion exceptionally with a slash "/"
  • "z""x" ersetzt durch "z"
  • "t""r" ersetzt durch "t"
  • "… p 23"This line was probably inserted subsequently, because the line is written in a very narrow way in the middle of two lines that probably already existed.
  • "frta"gelöscht durch Überschreibung
  • "erad"gelöscht durch Überschreibung
  • "O""o" ersetzt durch "O"


  • "… Synopsis"The following corrections refer to the synopsis of Elegy for Young Lovers. It would not have been printed in the libretto. Probably, the synopsis was used for program notes.
  • "p"Abk. von "page".
  • "l"Abk. von "line".
  • "… Genesis of a libretto"The following corrections refer to Auden and Kallmans’ text Genesis of a libretto, which would be printed in the libretto of Elegy for Young Lovers, pp. 61-63.
  • "l."Abk. von "line".
  • "l"Abk. von "line".
  • "l"Abk. von "line".
  • "l"Abk. von "line".
  • "p"Abk. von "page".
  • "l"Abk. von "line".
  • "p"Abk. von "page".
  • "l"Abk. von "line".
  • "p"Abk. von "page".
  • "l"Abk. von "line".
  • "… for Gorgeous read George"In their Answers to Queries sent to Henze on 12 January 1960, the librettists had already suggested changing the name of the poet mentioned in the libretto from "Georg" to "Georgeous", since Henze was against using the names of real poets. Kallman is now asking to change the name from "Gorgeous" to "George", the real name of the poet Stefan George. This name would remain in the final libretto.
  • "l"Abk. von "line".
  • "… for Milksop read Rilke"In their Answers to Queries sent to Henze on 12 January 1960, the librettists had already suggested changing the name of the poet mentioned in the libretto from "Rilke" to "Milksop", since Henze was against using the names of real poets. Kallman is now asking to change the name from "Milksop" to "Rilke", the real name of the poet Rainer Maria Rilke. This name would remain in the final libretto.
  • "l"Abk. von "line".
  • "… for Huff-and-Puff read Hofmannsthal"In their Answers to Queries sent to Henze on 12 January 1960, the librettists had already suggested changing the name of the poet mentioned in the libretto from "Hofmannsthal" to "Huff-and-Puff", since Henze was against using the names of real poets. Kallman is now asking to change the name from "Huff-and-Puff" to "Hofmannsthal", the real name of the poet Hugo von Hofmannsthal. This name would remain in the final libretto.
  • "l"Abk. von "line".
  • "l"Abk. von "line".
  • "l"Abk. von "line".
  • "l"Abk. von "line".
  • "l"Abk. von "line".
  • "l"Abk. von "line".



        By courtesy of the Estate of Chester Kallman.


        Copyright by the Estate of Chester Kallman.

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